Shadie my RagaMuffin



Hello! We got our kitty at the pound when he was 4-5 months old, so I have no way of really proving he is a RagaMuffin.

But I do believe the picture of him says it all!

He is about 8 years old. We keep him on a leash because I can't stand the thought of losing him or anyone taking him.

He is the cutest, furriest, most talkative overstuffed "kitten" with the hugest yellow eyes.

We love him to pieces!

Lacey and Donnie

Hi Lacey and Donnie... I absolutely agree with you. Shadie has purebred written all over him! He has a black smoked coat - very glamorous.

I talk about QUIN a black smoked Maine Coon living with Ken and Helmi Flick, who looks very similar to Shadie (in terms of the coat) on this page: Black Smoke Maine Coon Cat

Thanks for sharing..

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From Shadie my RagaMuffin to RagaMuffin cat

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Shadie my RagaMuffin

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Mar 24, 2011
Wow , Shadie is really beautiful.
by: Anonymous

Wow , Shadie is really beautiful. His color and coat suits him very much. I liked this cute cat. Your worry of losing the cat is very true and I wish you never loss your cat in your life. I have lost two kittens like that in my child hood at the same time. Till today I don’t know who might be the person who took them away from me. Many times when I remember both of them and my eyes fill with tears. It is a fact that I can never forget them. Hope you will have always a nice time with Shadie.puppy training

Jun 10, 2010
Shadie and Snowball
by: Tracey

Oh Shadie is so lovely!

His coat is beautiful! and those eyes! No wonder you worry about losing him. I also have fears and dreams about losing my own cats so I know what you mean.

Merrily so sorry to hear about Snowball, how awful.

Jun 09, 2010
by: Carrie

What a beautiful cat! Such stunning eyes. He looks so majestic. What a wonderful snuggling companion.

Jun 08, 2010
That leash!
by: Anonymous

Hello, thanks so much for your compliments. I just love Shadie so much, I have had nightmares about that very thing happening to him! (In fact I have had sveral dreams about losing Shadie, I just feel very connected with him) I have his leash teathered to a lawn chair in the yard, and always keep an eye on him we he is out there. I like to garden, so most of the time we are out there together. I keep it away from trees for that very reason- it scares me to think he could hang himself! I do, however, also use a harness with the leash for fear of strangulation as well. He is so vocal about going outside, that even just an hour out there is enough to keep him sane. Hi thinks he is a toughie, but truly is not. Thank you again for you comment, and story about Snowball. I am so sorry that happened. I will definitely keep it in mind as well. Lacey

Jun 08, 2010
About That Leash !
by: Merrily

WOW !! What a beautiful boy, and those golden eyes, hard to believe these cats end up at the pound.
One thing in your post has me worried.... When I was five years old, my grandmother rescued a beautiful white cat, who other than coat color was just like your cat. She loved him dearly and kept him on a leash teathered to a tree, so he wouldn't get lost.
One day I went out to see Snowball, and he was hanging from the tree, dead. He had climbed up onto a branch and lost his footing.
Hopefully you are talking about him being on a leash when you take him for walks,but I have to admit reading your post gave me a chill, and memories from so many years ago.
Please never leave your boy unattended on a leash.

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