Hello! We got our kitty at the pound when he was 4-5 months old, so I have no way of really proving he is a RagaMuffin.
But I do believe the picture of him says it all!
He is about 8 years old. We keep him on a leash because I can't stand the thought of losing him or anyone taking him.
He is the cutest, furriest, most talkative overstuffed "kitten" with the hugest yellow eyes.
We love him to pieces!
Lacey and Donnie
Hi Lacey and Donnie... I absolutely agree with you. Shadie has purebred written all over him! He has a black smoked coat - very glamorous.
I talk about QUIN a black smoked Maine Coon living with Ken and Helmi Flick, who looks very similar to Shadie (in terms of the coat) on this page: Black Smoke Maine Coon Cat
Thanks for sharing..