by Ruth
17 days to go to until Babz does the sponsored walk and collection in town for our local Cats Protection….please click to see Part 1.
Although the bottom part of Babz costume went really well, we are having problems with the top half.

Poster by Ruth AkA Kattaddorra
She decided the fur fabric would definitely be too bulky and hot to walk 4 miles in and then stand around the town.
So off we went back to the oddments box and found some white velour, much better!
What a job to get it right though, pinning, cutting and sewing again, Babz was in despair, but she persevered and it’s coming along well now.
She has some black fingerless gloves, her microchip, tail, ears, a black furry wig and face paint, cheap from Amazon.
On the day of the walk I’m to be entrusted with painting her face and neck black and white and painting her some whiskers and claws on too, that should be fun lol
Walter and Jozef are most interested but don’t seem very impressed. Still they say they don’t mind being supportive but not to expect them to sit in the puss-chair and go along with her on the walk, they will have better things to do.
The best news is that the sponsor form is filling up nicely, £174 promised so far, Babz will well qualify for the £100 top up from her firm.
Marion of our local Cats Protection is snowed under with kittens right now so every penny raised will be much appreciated for sure.
THANK YOU very much again to the kind PoC regulars who have donated by button on Marion’s site, it is included in the total.
When the costume is finished to Babz liking, we’ll have to tackle the puss-chair, at least that won’t be scary for her.
She surely was a bit fraught with me let loose with pins around her.
Watch this space for the next instalment..