Shelter kittens euthanised and then their mother who is named posthumously

Palm Beach cats killed a shelter

This is a rushed off short post following on from the previous two posts about Palm Beach Animal Care and Control, a rescue facility.

There is internet an discussion about the quality of service provided by this well-funded center. The kill rate is too high indicating a lack of commitment to save lives and one example of that is…..

A mother’s kittens which were killed without reason other they were a nuisance in adding to the numbers (as far as I can tell). See heading picture.

Then, there was speculation about the mother but Elisa thought she’d be killed as well and she was sadly proved correct.

What is particularly cynical behaviour (it seems to me) is that the shelter named the mother after they had killed her for having an upper respiratory infection (URI). She was “on the adoption floor”.

“Ariana ID#A1752860 PTS- URI RIP Momma you are now with your babies again.”

URIs are pretty standard for rescue cats and fairly easy to treat.

It is not an illness that should condemn a cat to death at a shelter which has a mission statement which states:

“Provide safe shelter and veterinary care for lost, abandoned and unwanted animals….Humanely euthanize injured and sick animals.”

Not much shelter or humane treatment there, is there?! This story has legs and will probably rumble on until Palm Beach behave more humanely.

44 thoughts on “Shelter kittens euthanised and then their mother who is named posthumously”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. That is just horrible 🙁 For starts to kill the Kittens and then Mama. If marc was around he be horrified. As am I that’s just horrible. I don’t understand it at all. That Cat looks a lot how my Cassy looked :'( It seems that there is lack of emotional. So pleased I don’t Live in America It would just break my heart. Things really are just so horrible for all animals in this world.

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