The authorities in Indiana are investigating claims that a Spencer County animal shelter has been freezing animals to death. Yes, it is alleged that shelter workers euthanized (killed) kittens by freezing them alive.
The information comes from the shelter employees themselves. They have come forward and claimed to have witnessed this inhumane way of “euthanising” kittens. one former employee, Bridgett Woodson spoke to local media about it. She worked at the shelter for 3 1/2 months and told reporters that she was asked to participate in the killings twice, most recently on July 31, 2018.
On the first occasion, she said that she was given the option of putting the kitten in a bag and then putting the bag in a freezer. No sedation or any other drug was administered. On the second occasion she was just told to go ahead and do it. She said:
“I mean, this cat was still up and moving and I had told her, and I still got the same response.”
Woodson felt she had to do something and told the newspaper and saying that she had to quit her job. Eventually the police got involved.
She said that she was concerned about the animals and found it shocking that the procedure was deemed acceptable to the shelter and that no one was held accountable.
The police say that a number of witnesses have come forward since Woodson first made contact with them. They say that they have seen at least two freezer killings one of which included the deaths of four kittens at once.
It appears that an animal control officer, Christina Payne, is allegedly involved in the deaths of these kittens. She refused to answer requests to comment by the New York Post.
I could without a second thought stuff the person who came up with this idea and then BTW expected employees to follow order, march them into a freezer and bolt the door and walk away.
What I can hope for in reality that they are indicted brought to trail found guilty and then tossed in prison for a significant period of time and end up with a felony on their personal record that makes every holding down a job with substantial pay highly unlikely.
And out of the blue a memory from a conversation years ago with an ex-SIL who talked about putting some of the unwanted kittens on the property into the freezer to kill them. I wonder how common this is. It’s not humane it’s out of sight out of mind type thinking. She was a very abusive parent who I threatened to call child protective services on right before they finally separated and the husband got full custody. I told her I’d call the police if I found out she was doing something like this.