In a tragic series of events, some Chinese cat and dog owners have panicked and thrown their companion animals out of the windows of tower blocks to their death. Apparently it started after a scientist on Chinese state television, Dr Li Lanjuan, said that if pets come into contact with suspected patients they should be quarantined. Then a local media outlet reportedly changed the scientist’s words into stating that cats and dogs can spread the coronavirus.
This false rumour spread quickly after Zhibo China posted the fake news on the social media platform Weibo. In a bid to end the false claims, China Global Television Network posted a quote from the World Health Organisation.
It read:
There is no evidence showing that pets such as cats and dogs can contract the novel coronavirus, the World Health Organisation said on Wednesday.
Five cats were thrown to their deaths in Shanghai, reports The Sun.
It is very distressing to me because very recently I wrote an article about what would be happening to the cats and dogs in the cities that are locked down. I discovered a site where they thought that cats and dogs could contract the virus. There appears to be a huge amount of confusion.
However, it is absolute madness these cat and dogs owners have started to throw their companion animals to their death. It is beyond belief. It is completely shocking to me and I was stunned to read about this.
A PETA Asia press officer in China said that he hoped that the police can find the “cold-blooded guardians of these poor animals as soon as possible”.
They go to say that it is the filthy factory farms, slaughterhouses and meat markets that threaten the health of every human being on the planet by providing a breeding ground for these deadly diseases. It is not the fault of cats and dogs.
The people who are throwing their cats and dogs to their deaths are incredible cruel. I know they are panicking but this is not right.
Note: Cats have a self-righting mechanism and the ability to fan out their legs to create a parachute effect which slows their descent. Many cats survive high falls as a consequence. Howeve, I sense that in these instances the self-righing mechanism failed to work properly as they were thrown rather falling. I am guessing but this probably disorientated the cats.
10,000 Americans have died of the FLU since January 1, 2020. This Coronavirus Bullsh*t has an agenda not YET unveiled. You watch. 26,000 kids die EVERY DAY of starvation on Earth. 800,000 kids go missing every year in the US alone…….GET OFF THE FLUORIDE TOOTHPASTE AND TAP WATER.
I agree that is is overhyped. Fear takes hold. Human condition.
This virus has come about from not having any empathy of the suffering of animals and now goes even further Mother nature is a bitch and is biting back.
China should now consider putting in place some animal cruelty laws.
I’m too sickened to comment