Siamese cat’s unique and balletic stretch when picked up

We don’t know how this sweet balletic stretch developed but develop it did and it looks great. I have never seen this before. It is unique. I’ll have a stab at guessing how it came about.

Cat pickup stretch
Cat pickup stretch. Screenshot.

The lady picked up her Siamese cat and she decided to use that moment to stretch because when a cat is picked up in that way it automatically stretches the body. The cat enjoyed it and elaborated on the movement to make it a full blown body stretch. As she likes it so much the trigger to doing it again is when she is picked up. It’s like a combination of ballet and Pilates.

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This is probably an example of self-training or mutual human/cat training. Someone will possibly feel like criticising the woman for picking up her cat is this way but I think it is fine. The cat enjoys it and I am sure that the she holds her cat like this for a short time.

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