The other title is: “Strained Relationship Between Man and Cat” (understatement). I dislike this video because this young bloke is really exploiting his cat by provoking his cat to attack him and at the same time videoing it to create a sensationalist sort of video which catches the eye.
It’s a hip sort of video and fun sort of video if you’re that way inclined (think young, male YouTube audience with 2 brain cells). I am not that way inclined at all because I like to see a contented cat in a loving relationship and, sadly, I don’t see either in this instance.
The video highlights the dividing line between good and bad taste in respect of cat videos. As far as I’m concerned this is an example of bad taste. It’s actually worse than that because we have a stressed cat. That stress has come about because of constant low and high-level provocation and irritation making the cat’s environment uncomfortable and putting the cat on edge.
Good cat guardianship involves the exact opposite; creating a warm, friendly environment in which the cat feels content and stimulated.
I actually wonder how many times this guy tried to make the video through provoking his cat. My guess is that he tried several times and in doing so gradually wound up his cat to the point where you get the result that you see.
Exactly too horrible 🙁
Again – I can’t watch it – but it sounds typically awful. I’m just not able to watch people pissing cats off – or hurting them.