Silvery Wildcat
by Angela Staples
I was walking along a cycle track with my dog, when I turned around and saw a large animal walking along, I stopped and looked in amazement and thought what’s that? It turned around and looked at me and I remember thinking it looked like a cat but a very big one, then it ran back into the bushes. I have tried to look on the net to see if I can see anything that resembles this animal and I’m relly not sure what it was.
It could have been a silver fox but I’m not 100% sure because its tail wasn’t as bushy as those of a red fox so I really have not got a clue. It was the size of a medium sized dog, silvery grey in colour, big ears and a long tail which had stripes on it, I don’t recall any spots on the fur I was too in shock really…..definitely looked like a wild cat of some sort but not got an idea of what wild cat.