Simey Cat….

Simey Cat….

by Steve



Simon is my Maine Coon cat. Well I supposedly can't claim that because I got him from a shelter and have no papers on him. But he looks like one and acts like one. I looked up the defining characteristics and he fits.

He chirps and shrills when he talks. He is sweet and acts more like a dog sometimes than a cat.

He loves his belly rubbed and will get a bath without trying to claw your eyes out. He has golden eyes, and weighs around 16.5 pounds.

He follows me around and comes when I call him most of the time as well. He is my buddy.


Hi Steve... He looks quite a lot like a Maine Coon too. And he is an orange (red or some people say yellow) tabby Maine Coon.

You can see another orange Maine Coon on this page: Orange Maine Coon Cat

If you don't want to click on the link here is the orange Maine Coon show cat (apologies to the breeder for losing his/her name):


I think Simon looks similar and is quite possibly a Maine Coon mix or even a full blown purebred.

Sometimes the most extraordinary purebred cats are relinquished to cat shelters. The best example of that on this site is the case of the The RagaMuffin cat and the princess!

Thanks for popping by and showing us Simon.

Simey Maine Coon Cats

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Simey Cat....

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Feb 11, 2010 A great orange cat
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Steve. Whatever Simon's roots are, he is a most beautiful cat with that orange tabby semi-longhair fur. And as you describe him, he's a good and loving character too. I like that "comes when I call him most of the time", because that's what tells you he is a cat after all. Cats have a mind of their own, so of course he won't come to you unless he feels like. The fact that he does most of the time is a great compliment. 😉
There ought to be a special section on the site for all the wonderful shelter cats and their stories of happy adoptions. I think many people don't realize that great cats like Simon are to be found there.

Finn Frode avatar

Feb 09, 2010 Simom is Gorgeous!
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Steve, your Simon is absolutely gorgeous! It's wonderful that you have given him a home. May all of your days be filled with his antics and lots of love.

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