Well, the video that I’m referring to in the title is directly below and it is accompanied by a commentary by a young woman which explains what’s going on.
Alinity Devine is a social media star who’s become well-known on various social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. She is also and mostly known as a Twitch star.
Twitch is a popular online service for watching and streaming digital video broadcasts and was founded in 2011. Alinity is a gamer and you can see in the video that she throws her cat, Milo, over her head to get him of her desk or keyboard because she appears to be in the middle of playing a game. No doubt Milo got in the way and therefore impatiently she got rid of him but in a way which is abusive of her cat.
In the same video I think it discusses a previous incident in which she allegedly fed her other cat vodka. On the Twitter account ‘End Speciesism’ there is a tweet which states:
“Take a stand for cats & please remove Alinity from @Twitch immediately. She is using the platform to post animal abuse, which sends a dangerous message to anyone watching her videos. Cats are not props to abuse for more views.”
This is the tweet:
ATTENTION: @TwitchSupport,
Take a stand for cats & please remove Alinity from @Twitch immediately. She is using the platform to post animal abuse, which sends a dangerous message to anyone watching her videos. Cats are not props to abuse for more views 🐱pic.twitter.com/EsIsB5o6Tf
— PETA – #EndSpeciesism (@peta) July 19, 2019
P.S. the video and the tweet may die on this site because they are held on YouTube and Twitter where they may be deleted. If they are deleted on those platforms they will die here.