I say that socialites are killing the Sumatran tiger. A completely defamatory statement you might think. But in case you haven’t read about it, you will have to agree that it is in fact a perfectly reasonable statement once you read this page. I have written on this matter several times before but it is probably of little interest (see links at base of page). The equation or connection between socialites and tigers is very direct and completely proven.
The Sumatran tiger is a fabulous animal, I think you will agree. Despite that it is one of God’s persecuted animals for many reasons but the most pressing of which is that it lives exclusively in Sumatra as the name implies. It also lives exclusively in the ancient rainforests of Sumatra, once a very safe place for a tiger, until mankind came along in force, that is.
I think you can see what I am getting at. It is shocking to realise that ancient original rainforest in Sumatra and Borneo is being logged at an incredible rate for the most superficial of reasons. And the major protagonist is the infamous Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) who have a complete disregard for the the ancient forest and the wildlife that finds protection therein. They have a very poor history.
Of course APP couldn’t do this alone. It has to have the license to do it from the government. No problem then. These sorts of governments are very short sighted and are fond of double talk and double dealing.
So, here’s how it all connects up:
So, socialites of the world. We, the people who care about the Sumatran tiger and all the other equally valuable animals in these forests such as the Sumatran elephant and the orang-utans politely request that you ask the shop owner when you next shop to discontinue supplying fancy glossy paper bags and that you put aside your desire to show off your wealth.
Lets try and think of more important things. Lets try and make that horrible company APP insolvent…
From Socialites are Killing the Sumatran Tiger to Wild Cat Species
More reading:
- Deforestation in Indonesia
– this is a death sentence
- Sumatran tiger attacks
- Ezine – Forest Dwelling Cats