Somali Cat in Denmark

This is a popular cat photograph by Finn Frode, a regular visitor and contributor to PoC. He hasn’t been around lately but I remember his love of cats. I am not up-to-date with his current cat companions. He might leave a comment. However, below is one of his photographs of his long haired Abyssinian – a Somali cat – in his garden on a post he has built for their entertainment. The garden looks ideal for cats. She is female and her name is: Dushara Cathal Caithlin (Caithlin for short).

Finn also built a catio. Finn is very involved in making the best out what he has to improve the environment for his cats – called “environmental enrichment” in the cat world! The sign of a cat lover, I guess. He takes a nice photograph too.

15 thoughts on “Somali Cat in Denmark”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Lovely photos of beautiful cats and great to see you back Finn 🙂 I myself haven’t been on as much as I would like as I have to get Jinks out of his pen every evening to spend time with him playing and letting him exercise. The biggest thing is watching him like a hawk so he doesn’t get up to too much mischief! Very difficult now he’s feeling better!

  3. Your family of cats reminds me of a lady in Holland (Dani Roseboom) who loves Persians and Maine Coons. A very classy Danish cat family. Your beauty is truly beautiful.

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