Not all cat cruelty is committed by cruel people. Not all cat abuse is committed by criminal-minded, nasty people. A lot of animal cruelty is committed by sickos but sometimes John Doe or in England the lawyers say, “the man on top of the Clapham omnibus” (the typical person), commits cat cruelty.
This is because a lot of people are on the borderline of acting in a moral way. In fact you could say that all of us have the ability to act immorally. It depends on the circumstances and our state of mind. We have it in us at all times to bend the rules and more than that.
Cat cruelty is “way too common” says Claudia Allen, the director of Winnipeg Lost Cat Alert. That’s true and the reason is partly because cats are more vulnerable than dogs and because John Doe is capable of being cruel to his own cat even when he has cared for his cat for a long time.
Although it is not completely clear, a well fed tabby in or near Winnipeg was placed in a cat carrier and the carrier placed in a ditch. The ditch flooded. The person who placed the cat there must have realised that the ditch would flood and it did.
A passerby spotted what he believed was a fishing tackle box in the flooded ditch. He approached it and realised that he was looking at a cat in a cage submerged up to her neck in muddy water.

The passerby was a decent fellow at that time – perhaps all the time; the opposite of the person who left his cat in a ditch. He literally fished the cage out of the ditch with his fishing line. He took the cat to Winnipeg Lost Cat Alert. Claudia said that the cat was in shock and subdued. She was named Glinda.
The man who rescued Glinda then took her to Winnipeg Humane Society where she was cared for. She was found to be in good health. She was lucky that this anonymous man saved her.

Claudia believes Glinda was someone’s pet. She was well fed and even overweight. If Glinda was someone’s pet it is not unreasonable to presume that the cat’s owner decided he or she had had enough of cat ownership and disposed of her in the most convenient place. I’d guess that the ditch is not that far from the owner’s home (perhaps a few miles away).
The owner is probably seen as a reasonable citizen in the community as his cat was in decent health and well fed. This person suffered from a bout of moral turpitude and acted cruelly towards his cat companion.
Note: “moral turpitude” is essentially a legal term meaning exhibiting a lack of morals. It might apply to some who permanently acts without morals or someone who lets himself down temporarily. The word “bout” means: for a period, in this instance.
You still misunderstand me. Yes, the human is capable of behaving badly but that does not mean it is acceptable. It is just a fact of life. A lot of human behavior is bad and unacceptable but it will go on. It is part of the human condition.
I have the same moral convictions as you but I accept that flaws in the human. I am not excusing it. I am just writing about it.
I thoroughly disagree! Your presentation was suggestive in that is was ‘understandable’ that the human species would behave in such a heinous manner. My moral conviction is such that; no matter what your circumstances, it is never acceptable, nor tolerated for any “human” being to abuse any living being, period! I deplore any and all rationalizations or excuses for vile sub-human behavior, period! It is this revolting “lolly coddling” that is egregiously responsible for so many of the unspeakable atrocities that are now so shamefully pervasive in today’s society!
Firstly, you are being rude which I do not accept on this website. Secondly, you clearly do not understand what I have written. It is obviously beyond your comprehension and judging by the way you write you have a limited ability to comprehend things. The article is not complicit in cruelty to animals. I’m certainly not saying that is acceptable to be cruel. How the hell can you take that from this article? Really, your level of comprehension is appalling. What I’m saying is that all of us have the ability to act immorally at some time and under certain circumstances. Perhaps we never will because we have a strong mentality but if we were brought up differently if we lived under different circumstances than it is quite possible that we could act immorally. I’m just saying that. No more, no less. Of course there is never any justification for animal abuse. I’ve never justified animal abuse. I hate it as much as you hate it but I’m just making a point about the nature of the human being which you clearly have misunderstood.
OUTRAGEOUS! Are you out of your GD mind?????????? You are a fucking idiot!!!!!!!!!!! This article clearly is complicit in cruelty to cats in your perverted rationale that it is sometimes acceptable for “allegedly” sane people to lose it and take their frustrations out on a cat! There is NEVER, EVER, ANY JUSTIFICATION for animal nor human abuse, PERIOD! I don’t give damn what your circumstances are!
Feral cats are a lot like feral horses. They appear tame but have in reality simply formed an extraordinary bond with one person. I am talking about older wild horses. Young animals adapt well.
I completely understand where you’re coming from.
M.E.King, good point about the cat not being chipped, which would have had some insights or consequences for the cat’s guardian.
Yes, having a pet mammal requires much more care than a fish, although they need to have their aquariums cleaned, which is a chore. I’d much rather clean a litter box!
So many people get pets, based on emotional response, rather than intelligent thought. This leads to unexpected challenges and problems that they weren’t prepared for.
People have different ways of trying to get rid of this overwhelming responsibility, some humane, and many not. Shelters are full of these animals that were dumped, left behind, and seriously abused.
If my cat became too much for me to care for, I would have her euthanized, only because she was previously a feral and is very scared of most people. She’s also high maintenance because of her desire to go out on her leash, 7 toes on front paws 6 on back which need trimming about once a month, long fur which needs to be combed/brushed daily to prevent mats, and her raw food diet. She also has started howling early in the morning. Most people wouldn’t deal with this very well. I’m an early riser, so I just get up.
I think she would be subject to abuse in many households, so I’d rather make sure she has a peaceful ending to her life, even though it would break my heart to do it. She is my reason for living, even though she’s high maintenance. She’s worth it!