Sorta Like a Furry Soft Dog But Better

by Mothernature
(Chicago, IL USA)

We have had 4 Forest Cats…..all of them over the top special!!! They are in your face loving and attentive. They sleep with us (on us?) and never move. They hummmm and purr. They play, play play. Very social with anyone who walks in the house, whether the guest likes it or not.

Naps are in cozy places but always nearby. They want to be with us all the time. Much better than children for any number of reasons!!!! They all come when called, they all adore their mom and dad.

They don’t sit next to you, they sit half on you. Silly, funny, unconditional love.

The best breed ever!!!!


Hi..Mothernature!.. If you have a picture (of all 4 I would love to them all. Please email me:

subsituting at for @

Sorta Like a Furry Soft Dog But Better to Norwegian Forest Cat

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Sorta Like a Furry Soft Dog But Better

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Jan 03, 2010
Forest Cats
by: Merrily

A year ago this month my Forest cat Faith came into my life. Over the years I have owned many cats both purebred, and stray. No other breed is like a Forest Cat.
Faith is one of the kittens on the “Forestcat Family” video on this website.
She is the most unusual cat I have ever known, we have great conversations, she helps me with all of my chores, without being in the way. She wants to be with her people all of the time, but she is never a pest.
And yes she too sleeps on top of me with her front paws wrapped around me,purring through the night.
When she hears my car coming down the road, she watches from the bedroom window, and then runs to the front door to greet me.
Forestcats really are special, how lucky you are to have three!

Jan 03, 2010
by: Maggie S

I LOVE that breed of cat! I remember going to a cat show once and there was a Black and White girl with the most beautiful coat, she was stunning. I found out the breeder and have been looking at her website ever since, they’re such beautiful cats! And yours really sound like personality plus cats!!

Jan 03, 2010
N. F. cats!
by: Mary H

I’d love to see photos! I’m very curious about this breed of cat. We, so often, hear of Maine Coons, but not often about this other furry teddy bear of a cat! Are they very vocal? Are they high energy or more of a cuddly type?
I hope you can post some pictures of them.

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