by Mothernature
(Chicago, IL USA)
We have had 4 Forest Cats…..all of them over the top special!!! They are in your face loving and attentive. They sleep with us (on us?) and never move. They hummmm and purr. They play, play play. Very social with anyone who walks in the house, whether the guest likes it or not.
Naps are in cozy places but always nearby. They want to be with us all the time. Much better than children for any number of reasons!!!! They all come when called, they all adore their mom and dad.
They don’t sit next to you, they sit half on you. Silly, funny, unconditional love.
The best breed ever!!!!
Hi..Mothernature!.. If you have a picture (of all 4 I would love to them all. Please email me:
subsituting at for @
Sorta Like a Furry Soft Dog But Better to Norwegian Forest Cat