South Wales cat recovering at home after being rescued from a brick wall

A South Wales cat is recovering at home after being rescued by firefighters from a brick wall.

cat rescued from wall
Max was stuck between bricks and needed rescue

Fire crews from South Wales Fire and Rescue Service were contacted Monday to assist in the rescue of a cat in the Vale of Glamorgan who had become trapped in a 7cm (three-inch) gap in the garage area at a private residence.

“Max,” a beautiful black and white moggie, may have become trapped sometime Sunday night. The RSPCA was contacted along with Fire and Rescue, where it became necessary to remove bricks from the wall (with the permission of the property owner).

cat rescued from brick wall

Sophie Daniels, RSPCA Inspector, told BBC News that she could reach Max but was unable to free him without assistance.

I could reach my hands to him but there was no room to get him out. This cat was certainly well and truly stuck and could only move his head. Once he was out, I immediately scooped him up and took him to the vets for treatment where he has been placed on a heated blanket.

The RSPCA reported Max has a family and is now recovering at home after being released Monday night following treatment.

Not only does a big thanks go out to South Wales Fire and Rescue and the RSPCA but also to the homeowner who allowed a portion of their garage to be dismantled to reach poor Max.

cat rescued from wall
Max is back at home recovering

The Conybeare Road, Sully area is a county borough in Wales, bordering Bridgend, Cardiff, and Rhondda Cynon Taf and is the southernmost unitary authority in Wales.

Photos courtesy South Wales Fire and Rescue Service and RSPCA.

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