Special Little Guy Needs Home

Special Little Guy Needs Home

Until September 7th I will give 10 cents to an animal charity for every comment. It is a way to help animal welfare without much effort at no cost. Comments help this website too, which is about animal welfare.

Little Guy is a stray we intended to adopt. However, he tested positive for FeLV and, although we love him, we cannot keep him due to our other 4 cats.

Little Guy has been neutered, had his shots and was treated for possible worms and fleas.

He loves to eat, play, purr, look out the window and watch TV.

Presently, we have him isolated in one room but that is no life for a cat with no apparent health problems who is very active and playful.

If you have space in your heart and home for Little Guy,

email us at: McTaters@Hotmail.com


Hi.... thanks for visiting. Please tell us where you are so people can make an informed decision.

Thanks and the best of luck.

Update: The location is western Pennsylvania thanks Kay.

Michael Avatar

Special Little Guy Needs Home to Adoptable FeLV cats

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