Sphynx Cat Rescue

Sphynx cats
Sphynx cat rescue – Sphynx cats – photo copyright ©Helmi Flick – these are not rescue cats – just a lovely photo.

Update Oct 22nd 2018: This page was written about 9 years ago and it’s all changed since. These links don’t really work anymore because the sites they point to have gone. I am very sorry. That’s the nature of the internet. I will try and provide some workable links when I have time.

I would click on this link which goes to Purebred Cat Rescue, an organisation which has been around for a long time. You might get lucky.

The Sphynx cat is a almost always a purebred cat so there will be a number of purebred rescue centers (opens a new window to a comprehensive list of purebred rescue operations and general rescue) or organizations that deal with purebred cats. There will also be a number of general rescue operations (usually website portals for small rescue operations) that deal with any cat and that must mean some purebred cats as well. Click on the link above to see a comprehensive list of general rescue operations as well. Of course it makes sense to check the pedigree of the cat if adopted from a rescue center. If we want to live with a Sphynx cat do we mind if the cat is not purebred and a pedigree?

Here are some Sphynx cat rescue organizations or groups:

The first is a group of people with no internet presence called STARSphynx Team And Rescue. No problem it seems on the face of it. They have allowed their email addresses to be published. But the email addresses are attached to “portal” websites. These are websites with no content just adverts. As a result I am not sure that this rescue group is real. It is listed at the top of the Purebred Cat Breed Rescue website. Personally I wouldn’t bother with this but I could be wrong.

Ohio Sphynx Rescue – This is genuine for sure. Click the link for a Google map (new window). They have a Yahoo Pets Groups Sphynx Rescue. I don’t know how active it is. You’ll need to join Yahoo and the group in that order. The founder is Brenda Haines.

Sphynx cats

Photo of Sphynx cats – copyright ©Helmi Flick

Sphynx Rescue and Referral – this is actually a small Sphynx cattery that runs a rescue operation as well. They are called the Amazonia Cattery. Located in Ontario, Canada.

The Sphynx Cat Association – located in the UK. They are of course concerned with the welfare of this breed and promoting it and therefore may be able to assist in the rehoming of a Sphynx cat. They would certainly be a good starting point for people in the UK.

5 thoughts on “Sphynx Cat Rescue”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Angela, I wrote this many years ago I am afraid and I can’t help you. I’d suggest doing a careful internet search but rescued Sphynx cats will be rare because (a) the breed is fairly rare and (b) not many of these cats end up being rehomed.

  3. I would like to know if there i any Sphinx cat rescue places in Canada where you can Buy one or two .I am very interested.
    Please respond back.
    Caren Neal

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