Facebook have declined to remove this sexually deviant and obnoxious webpage on their website. It is hard to believe. What standards are they operating by?

This is a follow up to the article Michael recently did on the Valentine’s Day Cat Punching story. Since that article, Facebook has taken down the page, put it back up, and once again removed it. Now there’s another page we need to be concerned with. And Facebook is refusing to take down the new page (the link is broken at 15th April 2016 – perhaps the page has now been removed).
Called St. Valentine’s Day Cat Fisting, the new event page, promises
“Feeling blue this Valentines day? Grab some lard and fist those blues away in the tight bowels of a timid house cat!”
I’m a participant in a Facebook message going out to dozens of us that have followed the entire Valentine’s Day events by this jerk, and was able to pass along the info from the other page to Michael for an article. When I saw the response Facebook gave to this new page, I knew an article was needed. Apparently Facebook doesn’t plan to remove the page for some reason. If more people write in, this may or may not change. Here’s a section of correspondence between a complainer and Facebook:
(name removed for privacy)
“You reported Michael Paul Mathis’s event for containing credible threat of violence.”
Facebook Help Team
“Thank you for taking the time to report something that you feel may violate our Community Standards. Reports like yours are an important part of making Facebook a safe and welcoming environment. We reviewed the event you reported for containing credible threat of violence and found it doesn’t violate our Community Standards.
More Options
- Ask Michael Paul to remove this event
- Block Michael Paul”

Michael Paul Mathis, AKA Captain Naughty Pants, is the creator of this event. Mr. Mathis may consider this event some kind of sick joke, or he may be serious. With the world the way it is these days, we never really know. Regardless, it’s shameful that Facebook allows even to joke about animal cruelty on their supposedly friendly website. How friendly is it to consider raping a cat?
Should a petition be posted, I’ll add it under the comments. If anyone should learn of a petition, please post it in the comment section. This situation needs to be shared with friends, because for animal lovers, it’s no joke. For what good it may do, please attempt to contact Facebook directly and have them remove the page.
If anyone out there believes this is a matter of “free speech” and who believes that Mr. Mathis has a right to post this event, please explain why you believe Facebook has the right to promote violence. If this were a dog fighting event page, the local police and the FBI would be quick to investigate and put a stop to it.
You can contact Interpol direct online.
Correct. Well said Lisa.
this evil excuse for a homo sapiens needs to be fisted by a horny prisoner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Page is down for now.
This page has gone beyond animal abuse, as he is now posting a pic of a little girl “for sale.”
Facebook does nothing. You can generally complain about a page as being improper or promoting abuse to animals etc. The normal reply from them is…we have reviewed the page and found that it does not go against our community standards; I’d hate to think what does go against them!!! They have no morals or ethics. Best to report to Interpol or FBI (Or some other government related site)
Yes, they are mad bastards aren’t they? The depravity that some people get up to is truly shocking.