Stan Lee of Marvel Comics mimics Grumpy Cat the best

I have seen many pictures of people next to Grumpy Cat (aka Tardar Sauce) or carrying her during her celebrity appearances when she was being hawked around the countryside at the peak of her fame. Invariably the person, who probably paid a fee for the privilege, put on the Grumpy cat face. Some are good and some are bad.

Stan Lee and Tardar Sauce
Stan Lee and Tardar Sauce. Photo: Pinterest and in public domain therefore
Stan Lee and Tardar Sauce
Stan Lee and Tardar Sauce. Photo: Pinterest and in public domain therefore

Mr Lee does a nice job. One reason why is his grey moustache which looks a bit like the white fur over Grumpy Cat’s mouth. That’s my theory.

Stan Lee must be a billionaire because he transformed Marvel Comics into a powerhouse of filmatic entertainment and ancillary moneymaking enterprises.

I have noticed that Mr Lee has been photographed with Grumpy one more than one occasion. Is he obsessed with the cat?

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