Star Chaser Turbo Scratcher

Star Chaser Turbo Scratcher

by Michael
(London, UK)

What a grand title: Star Chaser Turbo Scratcher – only in the USA would you get that! It is an excellent toy and a slightly more glamorous (is that fair?) version of the Began Turbo Scratcher. The Star Chaser is made by the same manufacturer.

The “star chaser” must refer to the “Featured LED Lighted Ball” that is pushed around the channel.

Not only does it allow a cat to express his or her natural hunting instincts in chasing the toy, the center area is a horizontal scratching post.

The ball and scratching pad are are replaceable. A good idea as they should be a lot of use!

Elisa Black-Taylor, a very regular and valued contributor to PoC uses the Bergan Turbo Chaser and is has proved popular with the kittens in her charge.

This is an excellent value product – extremely cheap by UK standards. I could see this costing twice these amounts in the UK.

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From Star Chaser Turbo Scratcher to Domestic Cat Breeds

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Star Chaser Turbo Scratcher

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Dec 28, 2010
Nice toy
by: Anonymous

I have one of these and it works fine. My cat loves it. Although like a children he tends to get bored a bit too easily!

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