Starving domestic cats ate their owner

A 56-year-old woman living at the end of a farm track died of natural causes. She had several cats and dogs. They were confined to 2 rooms on the ground floor so they were effectively trapped.

As the woman lived as a semi-recluse no one knew she had died and accordingly she lay on the kitchen floor for perhaps several months it is thought. We don’t have a definite time frame. We know how cats are great survivors under these circumstances.

Some cats died but some survived and they did so by eating their owner. Bits of her body were missing. The dog had died.

The police entered the home through an upstairs window which was open. They found a distressing scene of total mess and the body of Janet Veal on the kitchen floor. It is thought that she died of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

The newspapers don’t tell us what happened to cats. I presume that they were rehabilitated and rehomed. It happened in Hampshire, England in August 2013.

Where the woman lived
Where the woman lived

Missing cat found in shipping container after 49 days

2 thoughts on “Starving domestic cats ate their owner”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. What a gruesome story. I feel saddest for the cats and dog that had to try to survive in this situation after their owner passed. 😱😬😭😭

  3. I really hope the cats were cared for kindly. Humans can go a bit berserk when corpses are viewed as desecrated.

    Those cats and the poor dog must have gone through an emotionally hard time on the death of the woman. But maybe not, maybe paws were rubbed together with glee?

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