Station mascot is a quadriplegic cat who likes trainspotting

A quadriplegic cat has been made a station mascot because of his love of trains. Sir Toby Toblerone is said to love nothing more than sitting on the platform watching carriages come and go. He is carried there three times a week by his owner, Stephen Wilding. Sir Toby has no feeling from his neck down.

Mrs wilding and toby

He was found at six-months-of-age in a garden in the city of Lancaster unable to move. Cats Protection took him to the vets. He was found to have no broken bones. It is a mystery how he got to where he was found and how he lost the use of his limbs. It is believed that he was born with a neurological disorder.

Initially he was fostered by the Wildings who I presume are volunteers at Cats Protection. The vet decided it might be a temporary condition. After fostering Sir Toby the Wildings adopted him. His condition is unchanged since he was found.

Toby mr wilding and Virgin Trains manager

Sir Toby can use his bowels and bladder and the litter tray. He sleeps with Mrs Wilding who holds his hand until he goes to sleep.

“I can’t tell you how much we love him, he is very special because he needs that extra care and attention.”

Julie Wilding, 49, also said:

“Toby is totally enthralled by trains. As soon as he hears a “toot-toot” or “woo-woo” he looks round in excitement.”

Toby has been given his own Virgin Trains’ badge. Keith Sweeney from Lancaster station, said:

“He loves to sit and watch the trains and he’s such a joy to have around…Sir Toby is very much part of the team at Lancaster. When it comes to trains he’s your cat!”.

He has his own Facebook page at:

Virgin Trains offered Toby and his owners a free first class train journey anywhere in the country. They have taken up the offer and are going to Penrith. The story reminds me of the Japanese cat station mascot who recently died. He boosted ticker sales no end. He was made a Station Master.

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