This article is an update on Sticky the Kitty. Following this story, the readers are asked to share their own special cats who have made it to Facebook fame.

Michael posted the story of Sticky on October 20. You can find that article here. It’s only been a few days and Sticky has gone viral, both with news media and on Facebook. Last night she made it all the way to Inside Edition! (see video below)
Chuck Hawley created a Facebook page for Sticky where he can keep her more than 25,000 fans up to date with all things “Sticky.” He tells the story of her rescue saying
“So I’m driving down the road this morning and the cars in front of me are driving over a black thing in the road. It’s going between their tires so I’m guessing it’s a box. It’s a kitten just sitting upright shaking like a leaf. And some asshole had spread glue on its paws and stuck it to the road.
I thought maybe it walked through glue somewhere but after looking at it, that was totally spread into her paws. She was wet and freezing and literally glued to the road. And NO ONE STOPPED. What the f$&k people??? I slammed on my brakes and stopped all the traffic and put my hazards on and got out and peeled her off the road. People were honking and all pissy….really??? It’s a kitten glued to the road!! So after a goo gone bath and some food and cream, we have a new kitten. Luckiest kitten in the world!”
Now that I’ve shared Sticky having a Facebook page, please feel free to share your own cats who are achieving Facebook (or Instagram) fame.
Photos Facebook: Sticky the Kitty.
This is a beautiful story. Chuck Hawley took a big risk rescuing the kitten. Highways are dangerous.
People need to feel good about something now.