Stormy has lived in a general store in Alaska since 2012. A complaint just got him evicted.

A cat who has made his home at a general store in Homer, Alaska has been evicted. Officials notified the store owners that their cat is violating the food safety standards since food is served in the store.

cat evicted
Stormy has lived at the store since 2012 (courtesy photo)

Stormy has lived at Fritz Creek General Store since 2012. He’s a slightly overweight black cat who spends his days lounging on wooden chairs and asking the customers for head scratches.

Jeremy Ayers, program section manager for the State Food Safety and Sanitation Program said his agency received a complaint. Since Stormy was in sight when Ayers arrived to investigate, the cat was evicted.

cat evicted
Fritz Creek General Store (courtesy photo)

Store owners Sean Maryott and Diana Carbonell haven’t commented on Stormy’s predicament but Sean’s sister Bridgette says Stormy will live with her and her family.

Homer is a small town of under 6,000 residents. Residents often came in the store just to visit with Stormy and offer a head rub. Losing the store cat could hurt the business financially. Not to mention the store could become less sanitary because Stormy, being the resident cat, took care of any rodents who ventured inside.

Source 1 and 2

28 thoughts on “Stormy has lived in a general store in Alaska since 2012. A complaint just got him evicted.”

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  3. And yet my calling you out…(remainder deleted as rude – Admin)

    BTW, my name is Apoplon Verreaux. Photo link below was taken late last year in Brisbane, Australia.

    Now that I’ve…(remainder removed as rude – Admin)


  4. The comment rules for you (a troll) are that you have to disclose your real name and supply a photo of yourself. You have done neither. Therefore you can no longer comment. Go away and stay away. You’re an unpleasant, arrogant bully.

  5. The arrogance is yours, Sir. You cling to double-standards to ‘justify’ your obvious bias, while hypocritically accusing others of bias. Sorry, your opponents back up their arguments with facts. You predicate yours on hubris and sanctimoneousness, seasoned with the occasional tantrum/emotional meltdown.

    IIRC it was No’am Chompski who pointed out that hypocrisy is best defined as holding others to a higher standard of conduct is expected of oneself. This describes you perfectly.

    Now, I’ll make a prediction: you lack both the courage and the integrity to even post this, let alone attempt to refute it. Try to prove me wrong–I dare you.

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