Stryker the Cat is a serval not an F1 Savannah cat

Stryker the Cat is a serval not an F1 Savannah cat

On social media, Stryker the Cat is presented to the world as an F1 Savannah cat. She is not in my opinion. She is a serval, a medium-sized wild cat species. I have referred to her as if she is female but I don’t know her gender.

We are not told as far as I can tell. The owners are not clear as to the species of the cat but they do hint that she is a wild cat hybrid when, in my opinion, she is not.

If somebody disagrees with me including the owners then please leave a comment and I will get back to them. It is hard, however, to come to any other conclusion. I have considered this carefully.

please click on the link above the picture to read more on this if you want to.

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