Stuck up a tree: Hampshire cat owner found herself needing rescue along with her cat

A Fareham, Hampshire cat owner climbed a tree and found herself needing rescue while trying to save her stuck kitty.

photo courtesy Maria Parry

Maria Parry had spent three days of searching after Harry disappeared from her home. When she saw him in a tree in her back garden on Thursday morning, Maria climbed the tree without thinking about the consequences to comfort her cat.

In an interview with BBC News Maria explained

“It was instinct, I wasn’t thinking – he was shaking, I just tried to calm him and I before I know it I was climbing the tree. “I was ‘oh my God, It’s really high, I can’t get down – I’m really scared.”

Neighbor Deborah Baxter says she gave Maria a cat basket and about 45 minutes later she saw the basket still on the ground and Maria was nowhere in sight. Maria’s husband was running up and down the street in panic mode.

Maria and Harry were rescued using a ladder by Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service.

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