Super sweet, highly adoptable cat named Randy in PA

Super sweet, highly adoptable cat named Randy in PA

by Shanna
(Pennsylvania )

I work at the Montgomery County SPCA in Pennsylvania and we have a FeLV cat here who is super friendly, about 2 years of age and just needs a good home.

He is my favorite cat at the shelter and I’m desperate to find him a home.

I am willing to drive up to 9 hours.

He loves people, loves to be held, good with kids, good with dogs, very affectionate and just needs a great home.

If anyone is interested or knows of any rescues that would take him please contact me at:

Thank You.


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Super sweet, highly adoptable cat named Randy in PA

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Jan 10, 2012
by: Michael

To offer to drive 9 hours is heroic. Good luck.

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