Survivor Cats Reformation –

Survivor Cats Reformation –

by Squirrelheart
(Texas, United States of America)

Where's spring??

Where's spring??

Survivor Cats Reformation is a warriors roleplay site that is based off a popular book series called Warriors by Erin Hunter.

This site has been running for around 3-4 years and has made it all the way from Warrior Cats on Conforums to the split to Survivor Cats Reformation on Proboards. This site was made the 5th popular site in 2007 on Pictures of Cats Contest for the best Warrior Cat RPG on the internet.

The site has a friendly and open members and staff that are willing to help at any time. The site is a PG rated site with little PG-13- but nothing to be concerned about.

The site is still gaining back from some hacks and other problems from the past. The once 900+ member site is coming back at a 300+ members. Help join in on the fun. Discuss the beloved books and much more on Survivor Cats Reformation. Become a part of the family.

This site includes the four main Clans: ThunderClan, RiverClan, ShadowClan, and WindClan; plus the Tribe of Rushing Water and SkyClan. All roleplays are open for members to join and are always excepting new members.

Plots for the Clans are starting to take place as winter continues on. The Clans are questioning if the snow will ever stop? When will Newleaf come? We are lost in tragedy.

Additional Comments: This is the best roleplay site I have EVER been on. Everybody is always friendly there and we're all like a big family. I have been on this site for around 2-3 years now; and I don't think I could ever leave it. I am so happy to be the owner for this site along with Sorrow and Miki. All of the admins are hardworking and I don't know how much I owe to every member on this site. Please join and become a part of our family. :]

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Survivor Cats Reformation -

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Apr 28, 2011
Think about it
by: Ciello

First of all why is everbody soo angry. Cant everone just get along,i now know why people are telling me not to join?!? If i could i would make my own warrior clan page and if you were rude or cuss i would just delete your account!all the other warrior clan websites are fun and it makes me fell like im a real warrior cat!!! What would jesus do?????wwjd:p

Nov 02, 2010
by: Heatherfrost

i heard some people think this is fake but they are wrong i believe that this cat is real and many other warrior cats so... !shut up and get your facts straight!

Aug 17, 2009
by: Thistle :]

This site is definately my favorite Warriors roleplay site. The members and staff are helpful and friendly, and I've made a lot of friends there over the last couple of years I've been there. It's very active, and pretty much all of the rpers there are literate, and very happy and enthusiastic about posting. I've made a lot of friends there.

Yes.. there are occasional fights, but as it was said before, they all work out in the end.

Overall, I give it *****. LOVE YA, SCR.

Jun 20, 2009
Nothing but a bunch of immature people
by: Superintendent

I agree with all the 1 star comments below.

If you are look at this website for consideration think this. Notice how Snowclaw, former owner and one of my best friends, is getting so much crap from other members of SCR in the comments below?

This is what you'll get if you join, they show no respect to you no matter how hard you earned it. The current owner, Micah, is the most power abusive person I have ever met.

No one really posts anymore anyways, they are all addicted to that Xat Chatbox at the bottom of the page and I gaurentine that they are all there, all the time.

You can't cuss till cuss hour, which is at 1:00A.M. central. But that doesn't stop the owner, Micah, from cussing her head off then getting mad at others for cussing without permission.

But seriously, why are they cussing in the first place? Why make a cuss hour unless your just there to rant?

I liked it better when Hollyclaw owned it, and that says alot.

Seriously do not join this website it's full of people that don't give a damn what happens to you on it and will perma-ban you if you step out of line. Think of it like Germany during the Nazi party.

Jun 05, 2009
It's sometimes important..
by: On Behalf of SCR

Personally, I love this site.

I understand others will have their own different opinions based off their experiences and feelings during their time at SCR.

I would like to remind everyone that it is a website.

It is not the Roman Empire, nor is it the Bible, and yet people get so-so worked up about it.

It makes me sad that people should spend time trying to make people on SCR feel bad simply because of their bitter anger.

And although I understand that if one hates SCR, they do not want others to go there and hate it as much as they did, these individuals have no obligation to fight with members of SCR, who are here simply to say how much they like the site.

It would be greatly appreciated if individual members of the site were not named, mocked, and critisized by other individuals. This is a friendly site, not a place for war. Thus, it should be treated accordingly. If one individual would like to work out a problem with one of the members of SCR, she or he can talk to this member directly, instead of passive agressively commenting through another website about that member's behavior, actions, and/or characteristics.

Thank you for reading this, and taking the feelings of the members of SCR into account, as you would want your feelings to be taken into account when someone was posting about your website, and more specifically, its members.

Thank you, once again.

May 27, 2009
by: snowclaw

The comment below is exactly the attitude the members and staff of Survivor Cats have towards each other.

Apr 12, 2009
Snowclaw is a fake and a loser.
by: Anonymous

Snowclaw, you are a pitiful fake excuse of an owner. Here you are bashing a cat site? lol... wow. worst of all you do it out of your own hate. you left to become a movie star? LULZ! liar! Hah. Stop bashing a site, it just shows how much of a low life you have... wow, nice going Snowclaw. And stop backtalking my members.

Seriously, it's getting old.

And there you were... bashing us and you keep trying to join back again, can I say FRIDAY, ETC. xD L0SER! OMGLULZDIDIJUSTUSELEETSPEEK?

Mar 28, 2009
by: snowclaw

I totally disagree with your statements.

Mar 23, 2009
oh really
by: Sam

Just so you know, Snowclaw, I AM on SCR. and quite often too. I'd just rather stay out of the fights, and stick to Roleplaying, because there are plenty of others there who love to RP, and are amazing at it.

I'm not saying we DON'T fight. I'm just saying that even when we do, it's not often, and it all works out in the end.

And yeah, you can choose your own Deputies, you just aren't aloud to have TRYOUTS. Exactly what was said in the line you quoted. The reason why? Because some people pick favorites, and then fights get started. So that rule was made to STOP fights. Not everyone on SCR loves to throw names at each other.

Bash it all you want, but I'm sticking to SCR. and if you were to try it, I'm sure most people would do the same thing. Because as long as you yourself are nice, then you'll see the nice half of the site. If you go looking for a fight, your sure to get one. So why try? Theres plenty of loyal, active, and all around awesome users, so don't go around bashing them when you don't even KNOW them.

Mar 22, 2009
by: Anonymous

If you're a member of SCR, you can see that much of the staff is demoted because they riot and make hateful threads all over the site. Most of the staff does nothing except for a few select people and they ban people for no reason. Also, they have very few active members and they are a horrible site to roleplay at in conclusion.

Mar 22, 2009
by: Killer

This site is full of computer-addicts, nerds, bullies, liers, cheaters, and even worse things than I have mentioned. Never, ever, join.

Mar 18, 2009
by: snowclaw

Lol? Have you not read the rules or something, *coughSQUIRRELcough*. I'll quote you, "#4: Leaders are not allowed to have deputy tryouts, but medicine cats are.
The reason... Everytime a leader has held deputy tryouts things go very wrong, so I have decided to ban it. If you try and post deputy tryouts, I will delete the thread." You can't even pick your own deputy, how stupid!

Mar 06, 2009
by: Anonymous

They don't have a rule where leaders can't pick their deputies, whoever said that is pretty wack-o in their brain XD

Snowclaw is just a jealous x-owner because everyone knows she in fact is a fake ;D she lied about everything and became embarassed when people started realising it. Right now she is angry because Squirrel found out that she was "Friday" - another way of Snowclaw being a poser and stealing graphics from sites like she always does. The proof is right here, because right after Squirrelheart mentioned it in front of Snowclaw, she came and posted hateful things on the site review.

Not to mention, didn't Squirrel get the password from you Snowclaw? You were the one who gave it to her! Haha, nice try, trying to bash Squirrely.

Either way, your pitiful continious of hate comments doesn't affect the site at all. It's posers, fakes, drama physcos, and haters like Snowclaw who make the site worse.

I think Squirrel is doing a great job of ownering the site with Sorrowheart and Mikiwolf and I'm glad that I found such a wonderful place to roleplay on!!!!!!!!! Yeah we have fights every once in a while, but it's hardly ever since Snowclaw left and Squirrel started re-doing everything for the whole site.

Squirrel may have had her bad days, but maybe it's mainly the way people talk about her. She never got up and left without telling anyone like *coughSNOWCLAWcough* and she definately isn't a fakey! *coughSNOWCLAWcough*

So stop the hatin' 'cause it's not here anymore at Survivor Cats. You can continue your site bashing, but really, it's people like you who cause the drama, Snowclaw. So continue bashing the site, show people how truly "mature" you are, because it really shows that you deserve to be owner ;D <-*sarcasm*Well, it's definately a five star here, no matter how bad this "OH-SO-GREAT-OWNER-SNOWCLAW* says it isn't.Jealousy isn't needed here, and if you come here, the drama isn't accepted anymore! So as a member I can Say now "Welcome to Survivor Cats Reformation"!

Mar 03, 2009
by: snowclaw

Sam, you must not be on SCR a lot. They have fights all the time.

Feb 28, 2009
¢¾ IT
by: Sam

SCR, I have to say, I love it. I've RPed a lot o na bunch of different sites (ranging from Horse to Human to Cats to Dogs), and this is one of my top favorites.

Sure, people get in fights sometimes, and some of the people on there could definitely be nicer, but everyone is protective toward the site. It's where some come to just have fun, and where others go to meet friends. Its great! Theres always something interesting going on Plot-wise, and it's easy to just jump in and have fun! Everyones welcome toward new users, and generally good people.

If you want to call it horrible, go ahead, but I myself know it is awesome.


Feb 28, 2009
by: Anonymous

Um. Yeah. Squirrel can't technically steal a site that was hers in the first place. If she had the creation email, its her site. Ok? So spiteful ex-owners can stop wasting their time bashing a cat site. LOLOLOL.

Anyways..this site is awesome. As long as you ignore the drama llamas, its only in the chatbox anyways--- wont disrupt the roleplay boards ;D

Feb 28, 2009
by: Anonymous

This site's pretty cool, really. I am not a member but I've been there countless times and have to say it's a pretty cool site.

And, to the Anonymous replying to snowclaw, nice.

Feb 28, 2009
by: Anonymous

yay. :3

Feb 28, 2009
by: Anonymous

Obviously you don't understand it's just a site.

Feb 28, 2009
by: snowclaw

Obviously none of you know what a real site is, I would like to quote one of the previous commentors. "If Squirrel left, this site would be much better off." Me being one of the former owners of SCR, I must agree with this statement. Squirrel, you had NO RIGHT to steal it from Sunny and Leaf and Gabby. Go to ****.

Feb 28, 2009
by: Anonymous

I quote Anonymous "This site sucks"

Feb 28, 2009
by: Anonymous

You have every reason NOT to join SCR. This site sucks in every way. They have a rule where leaders can't even pick their own deputies. If I were you, I would stay away from this bunch of losers. Squirrel, the owner, has no idea how to run a site and she STOLE SCR from its owners at that time by force. If Squirrel left, they would probably be doing much better.

Feb 26, 2009
by: Anonymous

I'm not gonna waste time with this...

But in summary of a really long review I would have written, this site sucks.

Feb 26, 2009
by: Anonymous


Feb 26, 2009
by: Mossstorm (:

This is probaly one of the best roleplay sites I have ever been on, and I've been on me. ;D
There are plenty of active, literate roleplayers to meet and post with. And there is a nice staff, all whom are active and love to roleplay. The rules are fair, and enforced in a non-dictatorish way. There are tons of awesome plots and characters, and plenty of people to post with. Overall, this is the best site!

Feb 26, 2009
by: Anonymous

I'll say this about the site: it's decent.

It's not the best, but hey, it's pretty close. They are a happy people there. At times they seem a bit mello dramatic but they have a sense of mind and soul that makes them great people. They goof off, but that's the for the good of their fun at this site.

The only things I see at fault with it are the occasional flamings and dramatic happenings.

Its roleplaying is outstanding. There are always people to roleplay with, unique cats everywhere. Its graphics have a sense of professional to them.

The site may sometimes need a slap to the face but other than that, I'd give it 4 stars.

Feb 26, 2009
by: Nyehh

Actually SCR is a site where everyone normally gets along. I mean sure, some people have their differences and we've all had our fueds but really, over all SCR is an active site with plenty of creative members and the best owners we could ask for. The staff is amazing and helpful.

Anyone who left SCR, left for their personal reasons and shouldn't blame the entire site for their petty problems. There is no reason what-so-ever that you should NOT join SCR. It's fantastic.

Feb 17, 2009
by: snowclaw

I'll tell you a few things about this site. The members there are constantly being rude, cussing, and just trying to flame everyone for every little thing. I left for these reasons, I got completely fed up with it and I feel bad for the members there, to have to roleplay at such a horrible site.

Feb 04, 2009
by: Gabriella

SCR ROCKS SOCKS MAN XD i <3 survivor cats reformation

Feb 03, 2009
by: Anonymous

I love this site so much, everyone is a family there and treats eachother with so much respect! Plus everyone has a good sense of humor- something I look for in a site.

It's a site with open arms willing to catch you when you fall!

Feb 03, 2009
by: Anonymous

Not my favorite warrior cats rp to be honest. Some of them are rude, and they call almost everyone a noob.

Jan 31, 2009
by: Sorrelpelt

I love this site and all of the people on it. Honestly, I am not sure that you could find a more welcoming group of people who all love to roleplay.

I used to be an owner of this site, along with Squirrelheart, who made this submission. I remember clearly when I first found this particular site and asked for our site to be put on the poll. I also remember how members got so, so excited about the poll that they started excessively voting and we had to be put back to 0. =]

But as you can see, things have changed for the better, along with the layout of the site, plot, and so much more.

If you are looking for a really great warrior cats site to join, Survivorcatsx is the place for you. Everyone really cares about maintaining the site and friendships, which is what makes it such a special place.

-- Sorrel

Jan 30, 2009
I love em *huggles*
by: Leafpaw the one and only

This site is amazing we are like family. Who cares if we ever meet we all know we are there for a person in need. They understand usurally what your going through and find some way to cheer you up without a fail. We are all fun and crazy. We love to have fun and just be ourselves. I love them so much.

Jan 30, 2009

Survivor Cats Reformation is a beautiful site. 🙂 The people there are kind and welcoming, they always have fun and deep plots going on. I'm proud to be a member.

Jan 29, 2009
Nice Work
by: Anonymous

Just a quick not from me (Michael) at Admin to say well done to the person who made this submission. Nice work. Nice Forum. I wish you well. Maybe you'll get top spot this time. You deserve it.

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