Susan Boyle Loves Her Cat



There had been a lot said about Susan Boyle, most of it is good and some of it has been not so nice if I could say it that way. But I have never heard anyone say that Susan Boyle loves her cat and cares from her cat, Pebbles, in such a genuine and caring way that brings me to only one conclusion about her; she is bloody marvelous!

There is a well known saying by some well known person, both of which I have forgotten that goes that a person who loves animals and treats them well must be a good person. That saying applies to Susan Boyle I feel and it has nothing to do with what she is famous for, singing. But ultimately it is more important than anything else she does.

And perhaps she realizes this and if so she is smarter than some people make her out to be.

I read in the recent press that Susan Boyle has turned down an opportunity to join up with other Hollywood A list stars in Los Angeles in a $10 million rented house at the expense of Sony Music. In other words to move there from her council house in Scotland and enjoy all the trappings of success such as housekeeper, assistant and a chauffeur, all paid for by Sony Music.

The reason? Pebbles her 10 year old cat. Yeah...! Good for you Susan. Susan Boyle has made it clear that the basics in life are the most important and all the froth of stardom is just that. Great for five minutes and then, nothing. On to the next fix.

She says that she couldn't be happy in Los Angeles without her cat and when Sony Music offered to fly Pebbles over she refused on the grounds that her cat might not survive the flight and if she did she thought she might not adapt to the change (even though it would be a mansion by the ocean - cats don't see things like that though do they?). I can understand that completely.

Basically Susan Boyle loves her cat so much that she is concerned that any change to his routine would upset him. Correct. It would. Cats like routine (hell we do too). Susan Boyle likes her routine and that I think is smart, very smart. She needs to maintain her routine, to be around things and people with which she is familiar to help her through all the madness surrounding her as a performer. Pebbles and Susan need to maintain their routines to see them through this and be a long term success. I am sure Peebles is a great source of strength to Susan Boyle and she should be praised for that.

Peebles Susan Boyle's Cat
I don't think the fur to the left belongs to Pebbles?!

To use her own language:

"Pebbles doesn't want to move. She's lived there all her life and cats hate upping sticks," Boyle had said

What about Pebbles? Well to me she looks like she has some Turkish Van genes. She has the classic van head marking and a bright white areas of a long haired coat. The face looks not dissimilar to that of a purebred Turkish Van (I am living dangerously, I know). Pebbles has nice "ear furnishings" (ear hair) that makes her look glamorous! I guess the name "Pebbles" comes from the pattern.

I think we need to remind ourselves as to how stressful it must have been for Susan Boyle being thrust from a invisible person to perhaps the most visible and well known person in the western world almost overnight. A lot of people succumb under that kind of attention.

There were reports of her going into on of the Priory clinics (mental health clinics) after the final of Britain's Got Talent 2009. She apparently was keen to be with her darling Pebbles and even telephoned him.

Pebbles is a great source of stability for Susan Boyle and cats everywhere are just that for many millions of people. A cat is a bit of normality and nature next to you, to ground you and slow you down. You can't get better daily therapy than that.

Michael Avatar

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Susan Boyle Loves Her Cat

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Apr 11, 2011 Heya 🙂
by: Mr. Boombastic

Hiya Gail! How are you doing? Not spoke for a while we should grab a coffee some time 🙂 zxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Nov 01, 2010 pebbles
by: jane


Nov 01, 2010 pebbles
by: jane


Sep 28, 2010 ap[bnia[
by: Mr. Booombastic


Sep 14, 2010 joke is on u gail
by: GAIL HATER 123

oh whatever gail talk to the hand cus da face aint listenin bye gail !! lol a troll your a troll btw im 8 YEARS OLD!! im ment to be da saddo ?? im not the one arguein wid 8 year olds HA!

Sep 07, 2010 Quit Being Foolish
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Michael, please know that I have not added anything to this forum since I said I would not. These trolls are wasting our time in what should be a productive discussion and they should be ashamed of themselves. End.

Sep 05, 2010 no
by: .

"me boombastic" & "gail"

Shut up. George this is bad now.

Sep 05, 2010 pathetic Gail
by: Mr. Boombastic

that is pathetic however, im willing to accept make sure it doesn't happen again.

Sep 05, 2010 sorry mr. boob
by: Gail

i relly sorwy fr being meann mr boob i luv u nd undersand hw mucj u obviusly car

Aug 19, 2010 gail
by: mr. boombastic

gail you're the one who obviously has too much time on her hands when all you care about is cats and michael. There is no need to start crying just because i pointed out a simple mistake and no matter how tired you are there is no excuse for not even spelling the name of the subject correctly. So hear this gail, I'm not a cat lover infact, I hate them they don't care for the owner and show the love, affection and respect the owner should truly have. That is why i got rid of my cat and bought a dog and i never looked back since.
I'm sorry michael for this arguement we have had on you'r website, Gail just can't stop moaning. women eh? 😉

Jul 15, 2010 Spelt???
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Listen, Mr. Boob - You cannot criticize anyone for spelling when you cannot even construct a simple sentence, use proper punctuation, identify proper names that require a capital letter and your spelling is atrocious!

Spelt? That is a grain that is eaten you twit. The word you are attempting to use is SPELLED. Go back to school, learn something useful and don't bother the rest of us.

Michael, I apologize to you and this forum for answering this twerp. I shall stop now. Thanks.

Jul 15, 2010 you spelt my name wrong.
by: mr. boombastic

hello michael on your apology you did correct the mistake of pebbles, but you spelt my bloody name wrong!! guess you were tired again? awww


Jul 15, 2010 Go Away Mr. Boob
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Listen troll, this site is for the discussion of cats - period. If you have nothing else to do but annoy people, do it someplace else. I hear loves trolls.

Michael is a valued and much loved individual who cares deeply about what he does. He is generous to a fault and seeks ways to enhance this website with knowledge to help cat lovers everywhere.

What have you done lately to benefit society? Not much, apparently, since you're spending all of your time here. Unless you have something of value to say regarding cats, please go away. Thank you.

Jul 15, 2010 shut up gail
by: mr. boombastic

gail shut up i dont appreaciate the fact that you fancy michael!!

Jul 15, 2010 i love you mr boombastic
by: that girl

thank you mr. boombastic! i couldn't sleep and i cried for hours over how careless michael was. you are my saviour!!!! xxxxx

Jul 15, 2010 i love you mr boombastic
by: that girl

thank you mr. boombastic! i couldn't sleep and i cried for hours over how careless michael was. you are my saviour!!!! xxxxx

Jul 15, 2010 thanks
by: mr. boombastic

thank you michael i can now sleep at night and if you were so tired maybe you could have tried sleeping as well anyway i understand make sure this doesn't haapen again please,
thank you

Jul 14, 2010 Michael - Ignore the Trolls
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Michael, those of use who view and contribute to your site understand just how much work, blood, sweat and tears you put into making this site what it is. You are truly appreciated. Please do not let these trolls get you down.

So what, a mistake was made with Pebbles' name. Who cares? At least you know how to spell. I cannot say the same for the spelling and puncuation of the last two...

Jul 14, 2010 to Mr Bomastic
by: Michael

Thanks for the complaint. I made a mistake because I am tired, I am word blind and I am 61 years of age. Oh, and I have written 3,500 pages on this site in under 3 years.

Sorry for the dumb mistake - just human I guess.

I just corrected it.

Michael Avatar

Jul 11, 2010 dogs are better
by: dog lover123

i think dogs are better because there not lazy and they always respect you and plus susan boyle looks like a troll or something released from the zoo, or maybe a mental home. anyway yeah i think dogs rule and what type of name is peebles or pebbles i will leave that to mr. boombastic anyways thank you 🙂

Jul 11, 2010 official
by: mr. boombastic

hello, my name is mr. boombastic i would like to submit a complaint. im shocked and appauled by how careless you are in your research. the cats name is pebbles not peebles you've even got a qoute where pebble correctly used by susan boyle herself! i think you should take more care in your articles michael.

Jul 07, 2010 YOUR WRONG
by: Anonymous

its pebbles not peebles!!!!!!!!!

Feb 10, 2010 Susan and her cat
by: Ruth

Well that has stunned me I must admit ! I stupidly assumed that Peebles was still at Susan's home and some friend lived there to look after her when Susan travelled.
No amount of money would persuade me to give our cats into someone else's care indefinately !
But I supppose she didn't realise at first what would happen if she became famous and maybe she was swept along with plans for her as she is sort of 'vulnerable'
Poor little Peebles !
I hate it that cats are seen as possessions to be passed around when it suits people.
To me they are part of the family forever !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Feb 10, 2010 Egg on face
by: Michael

Well, I have sort of got egg on my face as Susan has let a person who lives near one of Simon Cowell's work associates to look after Peebles it seems on a semi-indefinite basis.

The lady looking after Peebles is retired accountant Pamela Eaton-Browne. She lives in London.

The situation was forced on Susan Boyle as she has to travel all the time. But it seems that travel will become or is already a part of her life. This may mean her losing Peebles or at least only having visiting rights!

What can you do? She has no choice. Moral: if you are chasing money and stardom don't keep a cat because you won't have the time to look at one.

The best people to adopt cats are in the 55+ age range as they have more stable lifestyles.

Michael Avatar

Feb 08, 2010 Susan Boyle loves her cat.
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

The cat was with Susan Boyle long before she became an "INTERNATIONAL CELIBRITY" and hence her "TRUE FRIEND AND COMPANION". Today, Susan.Boyle might have a huge "Fan Following" as well as new friends, but, her cat "Peebles" was with her when she was a lonely spinster woman, living in a village in England.Only pet lovers will understand the value of their pets, especially in times of stress and loneliness.Congradulations Susan for becoming a overnight Megastar and at the same time remaining loyal to your 4-legged friend, cat "Peebles".
Rudolph avatar

Feb 08, 2010 Susan Boyle is the smart one!
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

I also love Susan Boyle! I actually shed tears at the original video of her 1st performance on Britain's Got Talent. I was annoyed at the audience, the judges and everyone else who poo-pooed her...until she opened her mouth and her voice rang true. What a shock THAT was to the naysayers! As for the media, I have no time for them anyway - no matter which side of the ocean they're on.

Whatever anyone says about her, Susan is a very smart and grounded lady when it comes to Peebles. Good for her! Karma has a way of rewarding those deserving and Susan Boyle is on the fast track for all good things. After all, Peebles knows her mum is a good person. Too bad it took so long for everyone else.

Feb 08, 2010 Good for Susan
by: Babz

Susan Boyle is a lady who knows what is important in life - cats!

Barbara avatar

Feb 08, 2010 Susan
by: Ruth

I love Susan too ! She has a beautiful voice and she is such a lovely bubbly lady and obviously loves Peebles very much.
I saw an article about her in the Sunday Express yesterday and how she won't go and live in America as it would upset Peebles.
She loves her cat and isn't ashamed that everyone should know that.
How I'd love to meet her ! A true cat lover.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Feb 08, 2010 For the love of a cat
by: Dorothy

I love her! She continues to amaze me. Good for her.


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