There had been a lot said about Susan Boyle, most of it is good and some of it has been not so nice if I could say it that way. But I have never heard anyone say that Susan Boyle loves her cat and cares from her cat, Pebbles, in such a genuine and caring way that brings me to only one conclusion about her; she is bloody marvelous!
There is a well known saying by some well known person, both of which I have forgotten that goes that a person who loves animals and treats them well must be a good person. That saying applies to Susan Boyle I feel and it has nothing to do with what she is famous for, singing. But ultimately it is more important than anything else she does.
And perhaps she realizes this and if so she is smarter than some people make her out to be.
I read in the recent press that Susan Boyle has turned down an opportunity to join up with other Hollywood A list stars in Los Angeles in a $10 million rented house at the expense of Sony Music. In other words to move there from her council house in Scotland and enjoy all the trappings of success such as housekeeper, assistant and a chauffeur, all paid for by Sony Music.
The reason? Pebbles her 10 year old cat. Yeah...! Good for you Susan. Susan Boyle has made it clear that the basics in life are the most important and all the froth of stardom is just that. Great for five minutes and then, nothing. On to the next fix.
She says that she couldn't be happy in Los Angeles without her cat and when Sony Music offered to fly Pebbles over she refused on the grounds that her cat might not survive the flight and if she did she thought she might not adapt to the change (even though it would be a mansion by the ocean - cats don't see things like that though do they?). I can understand that completely.
Basically Susan Boyle loves her cat so much that she is concerned that any change to his routine would upset him. Correct. It would. Cats like routine (hell we do too). Susan Boyle likes her routine and that I think is smart, very smart. She needs to maintain her routine, to be around things and people with which she is familiar to help her through all the madness surrounding her as a performer. Pebbles and Susan need to maintain their routines to see them through this and be a long term success. I am sure Peebles is a great source of strength to Susan Boyle and she should be praised for that.
I don't think the fur to the left belongs to Pebbles?!
To use her own language:
"Pebbles doesn't want to move. She's lived there all her life and cats hate upping sticks," Boyle had said
What about Pebbles? Well to me she looks like she has some Turkish Van genes. She has the classic van head marking and a bright white areas of a long haired coat. The face looks not dissimilar to that of a purebred Turkish Van (I am living dangerously, I know). Pebbles has nice "ear furnishings" (ear hair) that makes her look glamorous! I guess the name "Pebbles" comes from the pattern.
I think we need to remind ourselves as to how stressful it must have been for Susan Boyle being thrust from a invisible person to perhaps the most visible and well known person in the western world almost overnight. A lot of people succumb under that kind of attention.
There were reports of her going into on of the Priory clinics (mental health clinics) after the final of Britain's Got Talent 2009. She apparently was keen to be with her darling Pebbles and even telephoned him.
Pebbles is a great source of stability for Susan Boyle and cats everywhere are just that for many millions of people. A cat is a bit of normality and nature next to you, to ground you and slow you down. You can't get better daily therapy than that.