Sweet Ivy helps us through our grief

Sweet Ivy helps us through our grief

by Kim
(Austin, Tx)

Baby Ivy

Baby Ivy

Ivy is now about 4 years old. My daughter and I rescued her through a Siamese Group from an over crowded City Animal Shelter.

Ivy loves to ride on my husband's shoulders while he walks around the backyard and the pool. She is very affectionate.

Japanese Bobtail cat
Lovely sweet Ivy, our Japanese Bobtail.

Our daughter passed away unexpectedly one year after saving Ivy. She taught Ivy how to kiss.

When she is in the mood, she will kiss you over and over. I was drawn to Ivy at the shelter. I wonder if somehow I knew she would help us through our immense grief.

She sits in a chair by the window as we pull up to the house. Always ready to get kisses and hugs.

She is also the smartest cat we have ever owned. Ivy is a Japanese Bobtail, and her short little tail is very cute.

The famous porcelain Japanese cat that sits on her hind legs and raises her paw is a Bobtail. She is my best friend.


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Sweet Ivy helps us through our grief

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Feb 11, 2011 A two way love
by: Anna

Dear Kim:

I am so sorry for your Daughter..
The arrival of the little Sweet Ivy to your household definitely had to have a reason. Part of your Daughter's empathy and kindness stayed with you with those sweet and warm kisses. And there is even more meaning to it now, after so many people could see your story and share your love and your pain.

May be just adopting a kitten can help other people through their hard times. I understand it may not be the best analogy, but our furry cat Lyova saved my Daughter by helping her through the tough times at her school far away from home. It is definitely a two way street when we care for these wonderful animals.

Feb 10, 2011 Grief and another Japanese Bobtail!
by: Daniel

The story of my wife and I rescuing a kitten that turned out to be a Japanese Bobtail is on this website somewhere (I'm not sure exactly how you would access it), it is titled "My Japanese Bobtail Story", and has a picture of Jackson. However, one thing that is not mentioned in the story is the fact that my wife, Patricia, passed away on Dec. 2, 2010. Jackson was without a doubt her kitty baby. I suppose I am more of a "dog person" (I currently have five, three of my own and two that I foster), but I do like cats too, and having Jackson around, along with my dogs, has been the absolute best therapy possible to help me get through this grief process which I am still going through since it has only been a little over two months. They are all a precious gift and I don't know what I would do without them.

Feb 10, 2011 Ivy
by: Ruth

Ivy is very beautiful, such a sweet little face she has.
I'm so sorry about your daughter Kim and it's true cats can help you through grief.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Feb 10, 2011 touching story
by: Nancy


As a fellow Austinite, thank you for rescuing Ivey. The photos of her show the sweetest face and I can see where Ivey has been part of your healing from the sudden loss of your daughter. Your story touched me. I have two rescued kitties that came into my life right before my mother was diagnosed with cancer. My mother was so happy over my choice of black and white kitties because she had one as a little girl. They helped me through the loss of my mother.



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