Sweet kitten recovers from surgery wearing cast (video)

kitten with cast

Celia Hammond reports on a little tabby rescue kitten who had to undergo complex surgery to rectify a congenital deformity of her sternum (the breastbone).

Celia Hammond Animal Trust is based in London, Kent and East Sussex. Celia Hammond was a famous model often photographed by the celebrated David Bailey. When she retired from modelling she set up her animal charity. An amazing lady.

It is amazing and bizarre to me that humans can be so compassionate and caring to help this kitten, just one kitten, live a normal life after being born with a deformity while simultaneously millions of cats are killed brutally in Asia for meat or fur and euthanised when healthy in the US because they are unwanted.

3 thoughts on “Sweet kitten recovers from surgery wearing cast (video)”

  1. You have to admit though that this is quite the cutest kitten who deserved to be saved from her malady. Majorly cute! Eyes should still be on the bigger picture I agree.

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