NEWS AND COMMENT-SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA: Is this an example of animal hoarding or just very efficient pet ownership carried out to a high standard but in large numbers? The local authority decided the latter as they’ve allowed Hayley Bramhall, a bikini model, to keep her 54 pets which include two cats, two guinea pigs, 17 birds, nine dogs and 22 rabbits, much to the consternation of her neighbours who have complained vociferously and continuously about her menagerie.
Miss Bramhall says that it is her calling to look after animals. She does not have children and her animals are her babies. Her neighbours have made official complaints over three years to the local authority because of the noise which keeps them awake and because there are too many animals on her property. But she has just won a legal battle to keep them on at her home after the neighbours applied for an order to have them removed.
The legal proceedings have exhausted her, she said, and left her crying and crying because she couldn’t give them up. She knew that she was giving her animals a good home as she spends from dawn till dusk looking after them and making sure that they are content.
She states that there has been a neighbour dispute going back before she was keeping animals and she believes that they are jealous of her and her family. She is also a carer for her mother. She is not clear as to why the neighbours are so hostile towards her.
The first animal that she adopted was a Pomeranian dog named Millie, when she was 16 years old. When Millie died, she filled the void of her loss with two more Pomeranians and then a friend interested her in birds and the rest is history!
One of her cats is a Sphynx, hairless cat which she likes to dress up. The pictures show lines of cages for the animals (rabbits) and aviaries for her birds which are in the back garden. As I understand it, the cages are in the basement but they all look tidy and clean and no doubt she does look after the animals very well. It’s just a question of numbers and it appears to me to be an example of high-quality animal hoarding but in a very controlled way.
The point that I’m making is that she indeed does love animals and cares for them well but she can’t stop herself adopting them. This is because she loves animals and wants to help.
She can keep her animals under a court order with a lengthy list of restrictions including the following (I won’t recite the entire list because it’s too long and I don’t think that you will be interested):
- She cannot adopt any more animals and so the current amount of 54 is the upper limit;
- She can’t keep more than two cats on the premises;
- The aviaries must be constructed under current regulations and be free of rodents and all the food needs to be stored in airtight containers;
- She can’t the rabbits with other rabbits of the opposite gender;
- She cannot keep any other animals of the species that she already has.
In short, the court has put a stop to her desire to adopt more. When the animals inevitably die over time you wonder whether she will adopt more to replace them. She may have learned a lesson. One council member, Stephen Issa, thought that the court order was ridiculous. He described it as ‘outrageous’. He said that if he were her neighbour, he would be concerned as well. His argument is that domestic houses on 500 m² plots are inappropriate for 54 companion animals and he empathises with the neighbours.
Hayley Bramhall, sold me a bird in April 2024 for $7500 and then never sent the bird to me. She then only refunded half of my money and still has a reminder $3750 that she has not returned and she has changed her phone number. She has been reported to the police for fraud and scams.
Thanks Kristina for your input. I find it interesting as a friend of this woman complained to me about this article. I think you should sue her in the small claims court. You have a cast iron case for compensation. Good luck.
Well I think your animals are beautiful Hayley & they have a very lucky owner . I’m sure Michael will follow through with your request Hunny if he’s not selfish he definitely will
I hope lockdown isn’t too tough on you guys out in at In Sydney but you have your animals which is a great bonus 🥰 and I’m sorry your mum had to write the poor lady 🙁 Well all the best to you beautiful & you remember now that he is the issue because he’s writing about someone he doesn’t even know okay so you keep your head up high gorgeous & you know that he should definitely make options for people to delete or remove comments . God bless to you & your mum & animals xxxx
Thanks Hunn I’m crying today , I was happy yesterday when he replied to my mum & she could see I was happier and more at ease but then I see him trying to shut me down again in the comments section like the only people commenting back & forth is us in the comment section lol no point for it in all honesty but you seem nice & hope Melbourne is doing better than Sydney right now xx
Don’t worry darling he’s just some old man trying to break down a young , successful , beautiful woman so it’s saying more about his character rather than yours , it’s normal to feel annoyed at someone writing about you when they haven’t even met you , unlike daily mail & daily telegraph they actually met you & could see how great of a girl you are so for him it’s just lack of understanding my dear , he wants more to his story which screams volumes for his lack of empathy in my opinion , your kind hearted & do an amazing job with your animals you should be very proud of yourself my dear . Your a great advocate for animals ❤️
Yes Melbourne is getting better but we’re still not out of the woods yet x
Thanks Isla but I always try to see the good in people , I don’t think “ bad “ of him I just want to be respectfully heard really which is not much to ask for you know what I mean babe , like I don’t wish any bad on this man but I just would like to be heard is the message I’m trying to put out there . I believe there is good in everyone somewhere & hopefully we see it when he deletes the comments , and we can all move on after that , best way of putting it , just want everyone to be happy , and heard
But I appreciate your support even though I haven’t met you maybe one day we can x
Maybe….(remainder deleted on Hayley’s request).
Please delete this comment – story can stay but delete these comments I was in a very bad place & day by day I’m trying
Hayley, I said: “Is this an example of animal hoarding or just very efficient pet ownership carried out to a high standard but in large numbers? The local authority decided the latter…”. I did not state that you are a hoarder and I made it clear that the council does not believe that you are a hoarder. Although to have that many animals indicates a problem. I will delete the comment in which you threatened to sue me in defamation. And good luck by the way. And I am sorry that you were upset. The good thing is that you care for animals. Well done on that.
Thank you Michael
I appreciate that so much x I’m doing well , likewise my animals are doing good too , thank you for your understanding xx all the best
& to have that many animals does not indicate a problem , did you not watch a current affair here ? Maybe you should check it out
This man has 2000 animals & he doesn’t seem to have any problems 🙂 sorry but your information on “ problem “ is wrong . It’s fabulous therapy for some people , I stay home & care for my pets , I don’t see that as a problem , I have a lot of motivation & energy so why not use it to love & care for so many animals . All my family grew up on farms , I have it in me , my granddads both were farmers , it’s in our bloods , we love animals that’s not a crime it’s beautiful . I know people on residential blocks with 70 + birds alone , I only have 17 , sorry but my problem is that I love & adore animals & the true story is that I was born for the animals , I think that is a blessing by god . I was born with 2 holes in my heart & still have a leaking valve , I am a strong woman with a lot of self power , I was lucky to have survived my open heart operation , my valve may leak but my soul is strong & I’ll remain strong forever more
Hayley, if you want to write about yourself to put the record straight you can email me: and I’ll publish it.
Delete above comment too
Please ^^
You know what this story is REALLY (remainder deleted on Hayley’s request).
Please delete this comment – story can stay but delete these comments I was in a very bad place & day by day I’m trying
Delete above comment too
Please ^^ & this one
Michael I think if Hayley is requesting you delete these comments then respectfully you should do that . I’m sorry but firstly writing about Hayley’s life after she has explained she has been through a lot of stress then you owe it to her to respect her wishes . She is definitely a kind & beautiful girl who loves just loves animals & I wish her all the happiness & best – so should you
I did delete her rant about suing me. I was happy to. The only comments left are those requesting deletion which are harmless.
I know that but I still think they should be deleted because she has still asked they be removed , harmless yes but still I think when it says to delete she means delete … no effence
I have done as asked. I have no obligation to do it really. And you know your daughter has created a problem for herself. It is not sensible to have that many animals in a residential home. I want to leave the request to delete as it tells readers something about the person. They add to the story. Sorry but I am going to leave it there.
Wow ! My name is Isla & Hayley isn’t my daughter , and if she was I would be proud to have her for my daughter , you on the other hand are a true narcissist & shouldn’t be a journalist when you can’t understand people’s life’s & the need for a simple tast . It’s not rocket science to delete comments , maybe you should have a “ delete “ option button for people so they can choose as it’s really something that all places have. If Hayley was my daughter I would definitely be investigating the way you treat others
And in my opinion it says a lot more about “ you “ as a person not her
Thank Isla for your kind words , it’s nice to see that we still have that beauty & kindness in our world today . Thank you for caring , I wish more to be like you Hunn ❤️ God bless you & I contacted my lawyer so she is going to be email Michael . The comment section is very unessasary in my opinion & I would never do this to any of Michaels family because my heart is pure I don’t attack people that I don’t know because it’s wrong & I want to try make the world a better place . I want to help people & animals because it’s the proper way of life to lift others up instead of putting them down , god bless you Isla & thank you for being a voice for me
If he removes the comment section then he may be as kind of you Hunn , let’s hope we still have basic decent journalists out there . To write a story ok fine it’s bad enough but to try attack me at the same time is beyond me . I’m sad about it and it’s just normal human decency to fix the person your writing abouts wishes as if it is effecting them then it’s definitely a priority in my books . People can have their own private opinions but not place a platform to let others see it . It’s not normal to allow that when the person is kindly asking for support . Even my poor mum had to reach out to him , my mum & I don’t need like all this you know like it’s just me & my mum you know , she at her age doesn’t need to be worrying about comments and stuff , it’s really simple and can make a huge difference , it’s heartbreaking , hence why I turned to animals because people never really hear me out
I am the “ Sydney woman “ who you are referring too…(remainder deleted on Hayley’s request).