Sylvester My Norwegian Forest Cat

by Mark
(Del Mar, CA.)

Sylvester is the most awesome cat that has had me for a pet. He is unbelievably gentle with me and his three other cat buddies.

He comes when I call his name, sleeps on my chest and talks to me (trills and chirrups). He is black and white with a lone ranger facemask, magnificent black tail, a white chest and belly and legs that alternate white and black (right front black, left front white, left rear leg black and right white).

He also has four heavily tufted white paws. When we talk I always let him know that he is my best friend.

I love my other three cats dearly (a Munchkin by the name of Samson, an American Shorthair who I call Ami and the grand Dame Annabelle, an unusual calico.

They all get along extremely well. Samson thinks he is the alpha but in reality Sylvester is the quiet and gentle boss of the clouder.

I am truly blessed to be a part of their lives.


Hi Mark… thanks for telling us about Sylvester. I am jealous…

Here is a video I made ages ago about the Norwegian Forest Cat:

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Sylvester My Norwegian Forest Cat

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Apr 23, 2011
What a great cat
by: Ruth (Monty’s Mom)

Sylvester sounds like such a great cat! I enjoyed reading how you are truly grateful to be able to share your life with cats. I feel the same way about my little guy, Monty. A cat can be such a blessing, enriching your life.

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