Syria Cat Rescue (Aleppo)

This is a slide show of 9 pictures, five seconds per picture. If you’d like to pause it simply place your cursor over it.

Note: Update: this page was written two years ago. I have re-dated it to bring the article forward to October 9th 2016 because this cat rescue work is still acutely relevant even more so. I have not heard about this guy since. I have searched the internet for an update without success. Aleppo is being destroyed by the Assad regime’s bombs and Russian rockets. Just recently hospitals have been bombed and medical staff killed. Over the past few months hundreds of children have been killed. There is outrage in the West. The UN talks. America complains. Nothing changes.

What are the chances of this guy being alive today? What are the chances of the cats being alive? I would have thought that it was quite likely that they are all dead but we don’t know. It is said that Aleppo will be completely destroyed by Christmas 2016. That may be an exaggeration but….it will be destroyed. This wonderful man might get out and become a refugee but the cats won’t.

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This is war torn, war weary Aleppo, Syria. We hear of nothing about it but destruction, barrel bombs, atrocities, aggression, suffering and mayhem.

And here is a ambulance driver using his own money to feed 150 street cats. Wow.

I wondered what was happening to the cats of Syria in this ghastly mess of a war. Well, now I know what is happening to at least 150 of them; the lucky ones.

  • The place: Masaken Hanano (abandoned area of Aleppo)
  • The man: Alaa
  • His occupation: ambulance driver
  • The cost: $4 daily

What about the cats? Well, as is expected they are dirty and dusty. They don’t look too unhealthy though. There a quite a few van-type patterns and ginger tabby and whites. Bicolors are common too. It looks a fairly typical street cat scene, one you might see warm climate countries such as those surrounding the Mediterranean.

This guy deserves all the praise he can get.

25 thoughts on “Syria Cat Rescue (Aleppo)”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I feel I owe it to my grandparents who helped young Jewish people during ww2 by hiding them from the nazis in their house and risking their lives. I’m very proud of my family and now doing my bit by helping other people. Join our group please xxx

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