Tabby and White Stray

Tabby and White Stray

by Toni
(North west UK)

Good Friends

Good Friends

Well, after my old Black Moggie Raz was killed in a RTA, I said no more cats then five weeks back, about eight years after losing poor Raz, a kitten found us she was scratching at our back window to come in i told my teenage daughter to leave her and she would go home ! well she went out to see her teenagers always listen to mum, this time I am glad she did not pay attention to me, the poor little kitten was so thin , we brought her in and fed her, I contacted all the local cat rescue and after two weeks no one had come for her. Well poor little thing had fleas, worms and ear mites and at only five months old (the vet thinks by her teeth ) was in kit. on vets advice we had her neutered and the kittens taken at the same time she was carrying three.

I am so glad she found us, she is a real lap cat, who is in love with our dog to the point of sharing her bed. She is clever and soon learned to open the child gate I have on the kitchen to keep the dog out when we are cooking as i am vision impaired and would fall over her,
The cat seems to know and moves out of the way, she is also very pretty a bonus as we would have given her a home regardless of looks.

Hi Toni: Thanks for sharing your story and saving this pretty girl cat, a tabby a white stray cat it seems. Great job. I love these stories as they are very positive and show how good we can be. She looks content - so nice to see....Michael - P.S. I redid the title so Google might find it better.

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