Cat and Dog Flood Rescuers Criminally Exploited by Towing Operator

Ninety-nine percent of people in an emergency or under very difficult and exceptional conditions pull together and are on their best behaviour. It’s just a natural human trait. However, some unscrupulous people like to exploit others under these circumstances and one such person is Robert Boland, 40, an employee (and/or owner) of a tow …

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How do you determine a cat rescue is legit or a scam?

Cat Rescue Scam?

Your input is required, please, in the answering the question. This is a difficult article to write on for several reasons. I don’t want to appear to be singling out any particular rescue and would appreciate some reader feedback on what criteria you use before donating money. What factors determine a cat rescue deserves …

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Unfounded Negligence Complaints Plague Cat Rescues

2015 has been a difficult year for cat rescues, where many are doing their best to save the abused, unwanted cats soon to be killed in shelters. The difficulty is taking the form of unfounded negligence complaints. Animal advocates and those in rescue have created unnecessary havoc by calling in animal control on cases …

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Mystery and Problems Following Death of “Feral” Cat at NC Shelter

There’s a mystery surrounding the death of a one-year-old cat named Penny who was identified as afraid, who was recently euthanized at a North Carolina shelter. According to “Harnett Hawk” (see comment on this page), two volunteers petted her without incident. Shelter staff interacted with her without incident for about two weeks according to …

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Modern day version of how domestic cats spread throughout the world?

This is a cute, loving cat story and to me it brings to mind the spread of the domestic cat many hundreds of years ago from the Middle East, and subsequently other countries, to all corners of the globe. A ginger, tabby and white female cat, who was pregnant, was probably seeking a den …

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People Unfairly Criticise an Animal Shelter

This is another case where people associated with an animal shelter end up criticising it. It brings to mind an article by Elisa in which she wrote about volunteer gagging contracts and people being banned from speaking out about an animal shelter. Sometimes, to an outsider, it seems like there is a war going …

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