Chinese Lop-Eared Cat (Sumxu)

Chinese Lop-Eared cat

I have been scratching my head trying to figure out how to write about this so-called cat breed discovered in China and first described by a Polish Jesuit missionary Michael Boym in his book Flora Sinensis (1656). The best source of information about this cat breed is Sarah Hartwell and I would happily refer …

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Mother cat makes a street garbage can a den for herself and her kittens

Mother cat makes a street garbage can a den for herself and her kittens

RELATED: China, Confucius and Cats This is a tragic and, in some ways, charming cat video from China. The mother cat decided to make a common street garbage can her den in which to give birth and raise her kittens. There are many ways to interpret this feline tragi-comedy. It is ironic, sad and …

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Chilling video of locked-down Shanghai residents screaming from their windows

Shanghai citizens screaming from their apartments in protest at the Covid lockdown

NEWS AND COMMENT – SHANGHAI, CHINA: This story is as much about pets as it is about people. In this chilling video we can hear the plaintiff screams and cries of Shanghai residents bellowing out their frustration to the world at the authority’s strict, zero-tolerance Covid lockdown. They are confined to their homes and …

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Animals of China

Eating cat and dog meat in Yulin

A very large number of animals living in China are severely mistreated, probably a far greater a number than suggested here. Yes, I know animals are mistreated in the West as well but there is a difference which I discuss. This article is a criticism of the Chinese Government’s wholly unacceptable disregard for animals in …

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Are there Siberian tigers in China?

Siberian Tiger

The Siberian tiger (Amur tiger) distribution includes the northeastern tip of China at my last reckoning. Therefore historically Siberian tigers are in China. However, there is an interesting story in The Times newspaper today (Didi Tang), Tuesday, April 27, 2021, about a Siberian tiger that went on the rampage in a Chinese village. They …

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Shanghai: kittens displayed in shopping centre game machine

Kittens in a game machine in Shanghai

In a Shanghai shopping mall, shoppers can win a kitten or puppy displayed inside a gaming machine. It looks bizarre and reinforces the belief that cats and dogs are non-sentient and cheap prizes to be won in a game. Not a good look. It is certainly something that you would never see in the …

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Kind woman in China wants to make a coat for a cold feral cat

Woman in China wants to make a coat for a feral cat

NEWS AND VIEWS (COMMENT): A kind woman was filmed by another woman apparently measuring up a feral cat so that she could make a coat for the animal in preparation for a cold winter. It indicated that there are many people in China who are animal advocates. They are concerned about animal welfare and …

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