So what is the cat fancy? The infographic explains and below the infographic there are image links to more articles on the topic. They are cat lovers and they love fancy cats!

So what is the cat fancy? The infographic explains and below the infographic there are image links to more articles on the topic. They are cat lovers and they love fancy cats!
On the evidence provided by the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) they allow declawed cats to compete at cat shows but not cats who have suffered the tendonectomy operation. There is a lot of disorganised and mashed information coming from American cat associations on cat declawing. Before I refer to that particular topic, you might …
This illustration caught my eye. It addresses what I have called the geometry of the flat-faced Persian and the super-slender Siamese. These are both high-profile cat breeds, bred to extremes and therefore their geometry is of interest to people who want to know a bit more about the cat breeds. What I particularly like …
With tongue in cheek, I’m alleging that the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) is being sexist when it bars male calico cats from winning at cat shows. You may know that male calico cats are very rare. It is said that they are 1 in 3,000 and when they are fertile they are even rarer. …
Last weekend my husband Marty and I were so excited about attending the first ever cat show held in Ormand Beach, Florida. I really love the Cat Fanciers’ Association’s (CFA) shows and one of the main reasons I truly prefer attending CFA sanctioned shows is that their registry does not allow declawed cats in …