The domestic tabby cat is the spitting image of the black-footed cat but the similarity ends there

The domestic tabby cat is the spitting image of the black-footed cat but the similarity ends there

Although some domestic tabby cats can be accomplished hunters, at their best they will be feeble compared to the black-footed cat which bears a close resemblance to their domesticated cousin. The similarity in appearance is remarkable as illustrated by the picture below. People complain about indoor/outdoor domestic cats killing wildlife. Fair enough. But in …

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The reason why it is difficult for an app to identify a cat breed correctly

App to identify cat breeds

You’ll probably find more than one app online which you can download to your smart phone (cell phone) which claims to identify cat breeds from a photograph. The picture shows a screenshot from one which is available on Google Play and it’s called Cat Scanner: Breed Recognition. It has a 4.2-star review with 1 …

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Sphynx breed standard – summary plus illustration

Sphynx Cat photographed by Helmi Flick

This is an illustrated version of the breed standard for the purebred Sphynx cat. This an interesting, intelligent cat that is nice to touch and hold – the feel of warm, silky chamois leather. The photograph is by the celebrated cat photographer, Helmi Flick. It is protected by copyright, which I ask you to …

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Unneutered male cats have a more masculine facial appearance compared to neutered male cats

Tomcat jowls created by the presence of testosterone

This is a discussion about whether the neutering of male cats (castration) changes their facial appearance. It can also have an impact on their overall appearance indirectly i.e. lower metabolism leading to putting on weight. But I’m focusing on the face. My argument is that it feminises the male cat face by making it …

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American Curl, one of the healthiest cat breeds

American Curl

It is nice to report on a well-known breed, albeit not that popular, which is considered to be inherently healthy by which I mean there are no genetically inherited health conditions. As you might be aware, very many cat breeds created out of a recessive genetic mutation have inherited health problems because these beads …

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Why are domestic cats so charming?

Domestic cat innocence is charming

To people who adopt domestic cats, they are very charming. It is part of their attraction. What makes them charming? It must be to do with their character and their appearance. Character This morning I watched my cat groom himself on my lap. He had been outside all night. He needed to groom himself …

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Cat owners that look like their cats

Woman looks like her cat

It is said that pet owners can and sometimes do look like their pets and I am referring to cats and dogs. This topic is normally discussed in relation to dogs. Research has been carried out on why dog owners look like their dogs. It’s been scientifically proven that they can and they do …

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