Crackhead cat sprawls into a pile of catnip and eats it

Crackhead ginger tabby cat slides into pile of catnip

Crackhead: a person who habitually takes or is addicted to crack cocaine. For cats it means to really enjoy catnip. This large ginger tabby certainly falls into this category as he slides down over a pile of the stuff and starts to eat it. [weaver_widget_area id=’in_page_adsense’ class=’alt-class’ style=’inline-style’] CLICK THIS LINK TO SEE A …

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Dangers of Catnip: Fun or Facts?

This is a very well produced spoof video about the effects of catnip on cats and an anti-drug film parody. The video can be seen on YouTube where you will also see some comments. It is one of the films playing at the Sundance’s Short Film Program in 2013. The Sundance Film Festival is …

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