Baby red panda probably died from stress of fireworks reminding us how they can affect cats and dogs

Zoo fears red panda cub died from stress caused by fireworks

Anyone who lives with a cat or dog and is truly concerned about their welfare will hate fireworks or they should do in my honest opinion. I detest fireworks. And it is not only because I’m concerned about my cat. It’s because they are noisy. I don’t understand why people like to listen to …

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54% of cats, 55% of horses and 62% of dogs are distressed by fireworks

Cats scared by fireworks

Thank God that the fireworks season is drawing to an end in the UK. Diwali and Bonfire Night are fizzling out. Let’s remind ourselves that these events don’t happen on a single day as they should do but well before the nominated day and well after it and it’s those big bangers which terrify …

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Hooligans direct fireworks at police car outside animal hospital frightening the animals

Fireworks set off outside Harmsworth Animal Hospital in North London

NEWS AND VIEWS (COMMENT): As an insider I can see a gradual breakdown in society in the UK. People disrespect the country’s institutions including the police. The police have lost the respect of the people as have the politicians and the elite generally. It feels like we are heading for a slow burning revolution. …

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Will fireworks be particularly bad for cats this year because of Covid-19?

Drive-thru fireworks display in Germany

The coronavirus pandemic is going through what the experts describe as a “second wave”. What they mean is that it was suppressed for a while during lockdown but it never went away as expected. This second episode is worse than the first probably because people have been ignoring government guidelines and instructions. The rapidly …

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Parliament to Discuss Reducing Number of Firework Displays and Maximum Decibel Levels in Interests of Pet Welfare

Worried Cat

In the UK, the pet owning community is petitioning Parliament to debate the reduction in the number of firework displays throughout the year to a maximum of four and the maximum permitted noise level of fireworks on public sale to be reduced from 120 dB (equivalent to a jet aircraft taking off at hundred …

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Fireworks kept my cat in but he learnt to use the litter

Charlie my cat

Charlie, my cat, is terrified of the sound of fireworks. Even distant thumps make him look wide-eyed in terror. His ears are permanently pricked up or swiveling to locate the the source of the sound. Some cats are much less bothered about the noise of fireworks but for some, like Charlie, it seems to …

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