Big bad China is scared of PUPPIES! A dysfunctional relationship with dogs.

Puppy in China is muzzled otherwise the police would kill the animal

“Owner has to muzzle a PUPPY or the pup would be taken and beaten to death by Chinese police”. This is the claim of an animal advocate on Twitter X: Phaedra. She does not tell us why the police would kill the dog or puppy. I can only guess: the Chinese devalue dogs hugely. …

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Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China – two boys broke into a pet store and one threw a kitten around

Cat cruelty China

NEWS AND VIEWS: This is a little cat story from China of the type with which we are familiar for those of us who know what is happening in China in the cat world. The video shows two young boys broke into a pet store in Hangzhou, Zhejiang on July 19th, 2023. It is …

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Ring toss game – the prize is a live kitten. Cruel and exploitative.

Kittens exploited as toys in a game in China

NEWS AND VIEWS – Xianyang, Shaanxi, China: The tweet says: “Ring toss game – the prize is a live cat. A stall set up with kittens in cages. The temperature was very high, and the kittens were kept in cages without water to drink. Some even fainted. Animals aren’t toys”. Sigh. I’ve seen so …

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Torturing dogs to death to improve the taste of their ‘meat’ is scientifically INCORRECT

There is a tweet on Twitter today which reminds me that in the huge dog meat market in Asia, mainly China, they believe that if they torture the dogs to death by beating them and in other horrible ways, they improve the taste of the “meat” that the dogs produce because of the adrenaline …

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WHITE COAT WASTE PROJECT’s campaign stops American funding of animal experiments in China and Russia

WCW stop American taxpayer funding of animal experiments abroad

The WHITE COAT WASTE PROJECT is a fantastic organisation. They spotted a form of madness, wastefulness and moral turpitude, which other organisations had missed. It was the funding by the US government of laboratories occupied by men and women in white coats experimenting on animals in foreign countries with goals that are not in …

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WARNING: Video of man in China hanging a kitten from a string held in his hand

Man kills kitten by hanging it from a string held in his right hand initially and then tied to a post

The tweet states: “The atrocities just continue. May 10, a netizen photographed a man killing a kitten near Building 16, Yixinyuan, Pingyi County, Linyi City, Shandong, China. The cat has been taken away by the man. This dangerous man must be reported to police!” The person who tweeted (We Are Not Food) sounds desperate …

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Vigilante group allegedly torture man who tortured cats

Lee allegedly abused and killed cats and was identified online because he uploaded videos of his alleged crimes

NEWS AND COMMENT-EASTERN SUZHOU, CHINA: These are allegations. A Chinese vigilante group have punished a man who videoed himself abusing, torturing and killing cats. This is an example of the citizens of an area taking action themselves to rectify what they regard as a wrong. It is a form of direct action against an …

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Cat meat consumption today based on mediaeval superstitions

Superstition surrounded medieval cats of all kinds in European medieval times.

Although some Chinese living in the south of China appear to have the strongest reputation for eating cat meat, there are other countries particularly in Asia where this habit continues despite objections from some in the West and within China. And my study of cat meat consumption over about 15 years indicates to me …

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