Chinese businessman bought, electrocuted and ate three tigers

A businessman in China has been caught illegally buying, killing and eating three tigers that were smuggled into, China probably from India/Bangladesh. That would make them Bengal tigers, which were almost certainly poached from a reserve. He was jailed for 13 years and fined £160,000 – 1.5m yuan or $250,000 USD. The man is …

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Lawless Burmese Border Town is Center of Illegal Trade in Protected Species

The Burmese government is too corrupt to be able to discharge its obligations under CITES. Mong La, Burma is governed by a lawless armed gang. The Burmese government abdicated their responsibilities to govern Mong La (aka: Little Mong La or Xiaomengla) in a deal with the gang. We don’t know what the deal is …

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