Is it possible to breed extremely large domestic cats that could defend their owner’s house like a big dog?

F1 Savannah cat Magic

I guess that some people fancy the idea of having a guard cat and believe that in order to be effective the animal has to be much larger than existing domestic cats. Is it possible to achieve this? You can’t achieve this objective unless you domesticate a much larger wild cat species than the …

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Hardest domestic cat head-butt on YouTube?

Savannah cat head butt

Cat head-butting happens a lot. It is scent exchange and friendship reinforcement. I believe this is the hardest domestic cat head-butt on YouTube! Therefore it is the hardest. If someone can disprove that statement, I’d be pleased. The cat is Titan – an F1 Savannah. This short video is an extract from an earlier …

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Pet Travel Scheme and Savannah Cats

This page covers the requirements when travelling with a Savannah cat in the EU and the information relates to all wild cat hybrids (see list). There are special rules relating to the Savannah cat in respect of the European (EU) pet travel scheme. This is because the Savannah cat is a wild cat hybrid. …

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