Successful treatment for FIP should soon be available to cat owners in US

Woman happy in the company of her cat

A successful medication for a deadly cat virus should soon to be available in US in what has been described as a ‘huge triumph’. It has been a long time coming. Cat owners will no longer have to resort to the black market to obtain the drug and treat their seriously sick cats. There …

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Senior scientist calls for an import ban to stop cat coronavirus in the UK

Community cat of Cyprus

You may remember reports from Cyprus a little while ago about 300,000 cats on that island being killed by a new strain of feline coronavirus called FCoV-23. The numbers were exaggerated but they think about 8000 have died although there are about 1 million strain domestic cats on Cyprus, more than the entire human …

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Vet administers a pill to a cat in way which might be instructional to cat caregivers

A Cypriot veterinarian administers a pill to a cat which may be instructional to some caregivers in the UK

There are two things about this picture which are of interest to me and they might be of interest to other people too. Firstly, this is a Cypriot veterinarian administering an antiviral pill to a cat in Cyprus. It was at the time when there was a lot of news media reporting on a …

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Human treatment for Covid is being used on Cyprus’ cats suffering from Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), a coronavirus


The news today is that surplus stocks of “unused coronavirus medication for humans will be made available to treat cats in Cyprus” (The Guardian) suffering from the mass outbreak of FIP (a different species of coronavirus). News media covered the story extensively and while doing so grossly exaggerated the deaths in stating that 300,000 had …

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What chance is there of the deadly cat coronavirus in Cyprus spreading to the UK?


In answer to the question in the title, the chances are very slim, as I see it, but please read on. A lot is currently been spoken about the “deadly cat coronavirus” in Cyprus which has ostensibly killed 300,000 cats but which I have said is an impossible statistic [link to that article]. The …

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FALSE REPORT that feline infectious peritonitis has killed 300,000 cats on Cyprus

Community cat of Cyprus

NEW AND VIEWS -CYPRUS: The news media are all over this. They state with confidence that feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), a coronavirus, has killed 300,000 stray end domestic cats on Cyprus. Vasiliki Mani, 38, a member of several animal welfare organisations, is demanding a swift solution. In January, she spent 3,600 euros (just over …

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Prevalence of feline infectious peritonitis in specific cat breeds (and more)

Mr. Swanson succumbed to FIP at 17 months

The source of this article on the prevalence of feline infectious peritonitis in specific cat breeds is a research paper of the same title from Science Direct, available online since 1 July 2005 and prepared and written by Loretta D. Pesteanu-Somogyi DVM, Christina Radzai DVM, Barrak M. Pressler DVM, DACVIM. The study took place …

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Grieving owner thinks new puppy was ‘sent’ by her deceased cat. Viewers insist it’s reincarnation.

Have you ever had a “reincarnated” cat or dog? Or a new pet you believe was sent by a beloved pet you recently lost? This topic gets a lot of chit chat online, especially by pet owners who have had this happen personally. Grieving cat owner and TikTok user @Iimbrookeeee_lynn AKA “Brooke” tells of …

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