Feline ‘freckles’ (9 facts)

Feline freckles on a ginger tabby which upsets the owner

Here are 9 facts about feline ‘freckles’ aka lentigo. Lentigo can infrequently cause alarm in cat owners. One asked on social media: “What is this all over my cat’s nose and mouth? And are there any possible treatments?”. They were referring to their ginger cat above. The words come from a Reddit.com user, and …

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Cat scratches are very rarely a serious health problem but you have to be vigilant

Shirley Hair scratched by her Siamese cat

Cat scratches can exceptionally rarely cause a serious illness by allowing Group A streptococci bacteria on the skin to enter the bloodstream. Countless millions of people, brilliant cat guardians to ailurophobes, have been scratched by domestic cats without anything to concern them except for slight discomfort and a bit of blood. I have always …

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What is a Flame Point Himalayan cat?

Flame point Himmie

‘Flame point’ is an alternative name for red point while Himalayan is an alternative name for a long-haired Persian. A flame point Himalayan is a red pointed long-haired Persian cat as shown in the photographs below: Sometimes people shorten ‘Himalayan’ to ‘Himmie’. The term ‘flame’ is only used instead of red when it occurs …

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