Information About Grumpy Cat

Grumpy Cat and Tabatha

Here is some, possibly, interesting information about Grumpy Cat as at today’s date which is early November 2015. Grumpy Cat is the world’s best known cat, domestic or wild. Grumpy Cat is a moggy (random bred cat) and she is a dwarf cat with a resemblance to a Snowshoe Cat. Grumpy Cat was born …

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What were the cat stories and trends of 2014?

What were the most notable cat events or stories of 2014? How has the domestic cat world evolved over the past year? It is that time of year to take stock and see whether we can see trends. Working on this site provides me with the opportunity to see trends; more so that for …

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The Internet Cat Industrial Complex

The title is a quote by Ben Huh, founder and CEO of the cat media company Cheezburger. He says: “I think what we see here is the rise of the Internet cat industrial complex,” he says. “I go to a meeting or a conference, and all of a sudden people are, you know, I’ve got …

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