Kate Beckinsale’s two Persian cats go flying in a private jet and it’s fun

The headline is: “Alright Captain, where are we going to today?’ Kate Beckinsale shares hilarious video of her cat Clive ‘flying a plane’ as she travels on a private jet with her beloved pets”. Beckinsale was travelling with her fellow cast members from her latest TV show Guilty Party (shot in Calgary, Canadawit) in …

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What is a Flame Point Himalayan cat?

Flame point Himmie

‘Flame point’ is an alternative name for red point while Himalayan is an alternative name for a long-haired Persian. A flame point Himalayan is a red pointed long-haired Persian cat as shown in the photographs below: Sometimes people shorten ‘Himalayan’ to ‘Himmie’. The term ‘flame’ is only used instead of red when it occurs …

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Are Cat World Records Sensible?

People like world records including ones to do with cats. There is a well known record holder on PoC – Magic. Magic is a stunning cat, perhaps the world’s most outstanding cat and, I believe, is a genuine record holder of the title, the tallest pet cat.  Although the language of the title is …

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Himalayan Cat with Dali Whiskers

A Helmi Flick cat picture. Salvador Dali had an outrageous moustache in later life. This cute seal pointed Persian (called a Himalayan cat in America) has whiskers that remind me of Dali’s moustache. That might sound odd but each to their own, I say. Or in France, chacun son truc. Here is a picture …

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