How Do Cats Get AIDS?

stray cat Timmy

The answer is relatively straightforward although the best book on cat health1 doesn’t provide a definitive and confident answer. There is some uncertainty on transmission. And that also applies to the Cornell website. The FIV virus is shed in saliva. Therefore Cat bites are a source of transmission of the virus which causes AIDS …

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In Germany Un-neutered Tomcats Will No Longer be Allowed to Roam Free

Stray Cat

The agriculture minister of Germany, Christian Schmidt, has declared that male cats who have not been neutered will not be allowed to leave the family home and roam free. What about unspayed females? I suppose the same rule applies. It appears that for the first time Germany has joined other countries such as New …

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Gabriel no different after neutering

Gabriel appears to be no different after his neutering which was on Thursday last. It’s interesting to me because it’s the first time that I have been part of the process of having one of my cats neutered. I can therefore compare characters before and after. And frankly, at the moment, there is no …

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Paediatric spay/neuter does no long-term harm. True or False?

It was World Spay Day on the 23rd of this month: an opportune moment to discuss this topic. This is partly a critique of the article by Jane Kelley. She implies that there are myths about early cat spaying and neutering that need to be put to bed. The operations are perfectly okay …

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Feline Vasectomy: A Rational Birth Control Alternative to Neutering?

Two of the most common veterinary surgeries are neutering and spaying pets. Having cats neutered or spayed is possibly the most important health-care decision that kitty guardians can make for their kitties. Neutering is a surgical procedure which entails the removal of the cat’s testicles, and spaying entails the removal of the female cat’s …

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Cat Owners like Masculinity and Femininity in their Domestic Cats

I do not think that enough attention is given to what I consider to be an important aspect of our relationship with domestic cats, which is that cat caretakers (aka ‘cat owners’) partly like cats because of their male or female characteristics, depending upon their preferences. I don’t think enough attention is given to …

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Male cat neutering is best done at 7 weeks of age. True or False?

The age at which a male cat is neutered depends on a number of factors which are discussed here and stock answers are unhelpful. However, veterinarians will provide you with a stock answer about when male cat neutering should take place giving the impression that the decision is settled and straightforward. I don’t think …

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