Humane Society breaks partnership with local authority because they secretly planned to trap and kill feral cats

Granite Shoals

NEWS AND COMMENT: For me this is an interesting story because it tells us, once again, how local authorities in America and in the UK and I presume other countries struggle with feral cats. Within local authorities there are council members who want to operate TNR programs as the method to control feral cat …

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Vet administers a pill to a cat in way which might be instructional to cat caregivers

A Cypriot veterinarian administers a pill to a cat which may be instructional to some caregivers in the UK

There are two things about this picture which are of interest to me and they might be of interest to other people too. Firstly, this is a Cypriot veterinarian administering an antiviral pill to a cat in Cyprus. It was at the time when there was a lot of news media reporting on a …

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Australian Capital Territory (ACT) acts humanely towards feral cats while the other jurisdictions do not

ACT Government logo

As an introduction I would like to say this: the volunteers who manage feral cat colonies under TNR programs are very decent, kind people. They do their work without charge, freely and with a love of the cats. One TNR volunteers sums it up, “The amount of suffering is the reason that we do …

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Animal shelter that says they are NOT a shelter have occupied a zoo

Cat rescue operate out of a closed zoo

St. Cats and Dogs of Nay Aug Zoo (“Street Cats”) is a non-profit animal shelter as far as I am concerned although I stress that they DON’T describe themselves as a shelter which I find strange as it looks like a shelter and a damned impressive one as well. In the video you’ll see …

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Trap-neuter-release has worked well for the stray cats occupying four ancient temples in Rome, Italy.

Stray cat makes home in Roman ruins

This is an example of the success of trap-neuter-release (TNR) in the remains of four temples dating from the third and second centuries BC at the Largo De Torre Argentina site which were first discovered in the 1920s by the builders planning an apartment block. The site was left exposed and it is sunken …

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Case against Alabama ‘cat ladies’ arrested for feeding feral cats on public property has been dismissed

"It's gonna get ugly if you don't stop"

According to an April 12 report by Montgomery Real Time News, the case against two Wetumpka, Alabama women arrested last year for feeding feral cats has been dismissed. City prosecutor Kenny James filed a motion seeking both cases be “nolle pros” which means the city does not wish to continue prosecution of the cat …

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What is PETA’s policy on TNR (trap-neuter-release) and feral cats?

PETA on TNR and feral cats

“PETA’s position has never been that all feral cats should be euthanized.” The Infographic above explains PETA’s policy on TNR and feral cats in general. There has to be an overlap between their policy on TNR and their policy on feral cats. PETA has a reputation for killing cats. Some people think that they …

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Emotional impact on TNR caregivers when their cats were shot by the authorities

The emotional impact on TNR workers when their cats were shot in Newcastle, NSW, Australia

The emotional impact on TNR caregivers when their cats were shot by the authorities is shocking. This is an interesting approach to discussing the ‘feral cat problem’. Most of the time the focus is on how to get rid of feral cats. An attitude which is predominant in Australia and New Zealand. And the …

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